Chapter II

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Soon enough, we had returned back downstairs, and were headed back to the car to our next stop of the night.

"Where shall we go now, Miss Burrow?"
"We shall go to the convenient store, Mr. Cullen."
"Convenient store? Really? This was supposed to be an adventure."
"You'll see..."

I pulled into the empty parking lot of a 7-11, and turned off the ignition, "Whatcha need?" I asked. "Oh, I'm coming in. It's a surprise." Just then, she grinned one of her famous grins. It was astounding of how beauty could have stood right in front of my face, and I'd have never noticed.

"If you say so." We hopped out of the car, and quietly walked inside the 7-11. We saw no sign of any other customers or employees.

"Hello?" I said aloud. "No one is here... Oh well!" Ingrid said before she twirled in circles, and gently grabbed items off shelves. "Ingrid, what're you planning on doing with all this stuff? There's no one here to swipe it."

"Exactly." She responded, and a smirk grew across her face. "Dude, we're not gonna go around stealing shit all night, are we?" I asked. "Can't say yes, can't say no. Damnit." She dropped a bag of Takis, and quickly picked them up.

Ingrid had something special in her. She could easily persuade people, and her overwhelming smile could charm anyone into falling for the invincible Ingrid Ember Burrow.

"You're such a jackass sometimes."
"Only sometimes?" She asked.
"Maybe." I smirked.
"If that's the case, then you're only sometimes a nerdy dork. But in a good way."

Ingrid had this thing that if she insulted someone without their consent or she thought it was too rude or something, she'd do her best to make things straight.

"Let's go, it's almost 1:30 AM." Ingrid said before she ran to the doors, and somehow she deactivated the alarms when she pushed a button behind some energy drinks in a cooler.
I got inside the car, and we just sat there in silence for a while. She had put her feet up and laid back. "Ya know what I said about the town being worn out? And everyone having worn out lives, and having worn out minds," She mumbled.

"Yeah," I glanced over at her. Her eyes looked teary, and they gleamed in the street lights.
"Maybe the town is worn out, but the memories are not," She said, and tilted her head in realization. I loved her flaws.

"That was unintentionally deep, and inarguably amazing, Ingrid," I said under my breath while I stared at her. She looked straight ahead.

"Dark days. We're all just a group of humans living in dark days."
"What'd you mean?"
"You never seem to understand anything, do you, Preston?"
"Um, no, not really."
"What I mean is that maybe all of the secrets inside the human race built up. All their insecurities and flaws and lies and tears. I wonder what if feels like, to be drowning and look around to see everyone else around you breathing. What it feels like to give someone you love your heart then just have them betray you. To have a wild, free, brand new heart. Not an old, rusty, worn out soul."

I looked at her for a minute. Just admired her words. Her poetic-ness. I sighed and started the car again.

"Where to now?" I glanced at her.
"Governor's house," she said, and I could just see her smirk out of the corner of my eye.
The governor's house was just along the Victorian complex where all the super wealthy people lived.

"Ingrid, are we really gonna vandalize the governor's house?"
"Good idea, we should do more than just vandalize his house. Nice call, Preston."

She grinned one of her gorgeous grins, and I saw the smirk slightly becoming of her face. I shrugged my shoulders as if to say, "Off we go then..."

About ten minutes later, we arrived down the Victorian complex. The governor lived at 69 Lunar Road. Ingrid and I always made fun of his house number.

"This house?"
"Please tell me why we're doing this again."
"Because you agreed with it."

We quietly snook out of the car, and creeped towards the house. The governor didn't have a huge high-tech security system, so it was easier than we thought. I boosted Ingrid up so she could reach the governor's window. He was a heavy sleeper, so it was going to be a successful trip.

"Hand me the hot glue."

I threw the hot glue gun up to her and a stick of glue. I saw her hot glue the doors, and the governor's closet. Just before she was about to step out of the window, the governor shouted:


"OH SHIT! MISSION ABORT, MISSION ABORT, HURRY YOUR ASS UP PRESTON!" Ingrid yelled, and quickly hopped down from the window with her jacket hood up. I followed after her, and got into the driver's seat. The car squealed as I turned a corner, and exited the Victorian complex.

"That was so close, holy shit." I said.
"It was epic, though." She laughed.
"You're pretty badass for doing that."
"I know."

It was 3:22 AM, and Ingrid was wide awake. She looked reckless, like something had taken over herself. The Ingrid that I knew.

"You okay, Ingrid?"
"What if one day you woke up, but no one else did?"
"I'd probably keep living life like I used to."
"What if everyone but me woke up?"
"Oh, um..."
"What would you do?"
"Search for you, hope that everything's okay."

She sighed, and lifted her feet up, and put them on the edge beside the window.

"It's funny how you seem to care about me so much, but no one ever gave a damn about me."
"I've given more than a damn about you, Ingrid Burrow."
"One day I'll be dead, you'll be dead, we'll all be living in hell with our corpses on earth floating around trying to find some kind of life."
"Where to now?"
"The park."

Sassafrass Park. It was my favorite out of all the parks in Boston, Massachusetts.

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