Chapter 2

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{Aomine POV}

"Daiki-kun, you're skipping practice again?"

I leaned my head back, staring up at Satsuki. I'm still not used to her hair. The blue sky and bright sun made her shine.


"Coach is worried your performance might drop." She said, climbing the latter and sitting down next to me. "Were you reading your pervert magazines again?"

I sat up when we stayed in silence for a few minutes. Usually, she'd go on, chattering about something I didn't care about. I stared at her, not wanting to ask because then it'd look like I'm actually curious about her life. Her face relaxed before she stared off into space with half-lidded eyes. I saw her hand twitch before it grabbed at her arm. It was as if she was being hypnotized or something.


She flinched out of her trance, looking at me. "Huh? Did you say something?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing. Just thought your hair looked ugly."

She didn't respond before she bit her bottom lip; a habit she always had whenever she was about to cry.

"Wha— Oi, I was joking."

"Yeah, right." She said, her voice shaky. "I'm sure everyone thinks so, too."

She's always like this. So emotional.

"You don't have to be so goddamn sensitive."

"I'm not." She replied. "You're the one offending me."

"I said it was a joke."

"Well, you're untalented. You suck at everything you do and you're just a pervert."


"What?" She asked, imitating me. "It was just a joke."

"The hell's up your ass?"

She didn't respond. "It's nothing."

"Oh, so I was right. Geez, girls are so tiring."

"Then go away!" She said. I flinched when she yelled at me. "Why are you here with me, then?"

"Then you get out of my sight! I was here first—"

"I just wanted to take a break from life with my friend!" She yelled, her voice cracking. "I'm so fucking tired and just wanted time to stop for a bit so I finally rest and you just offend me! What the hell's your problem?!"

"Why the fuck are you yelling at me?! It's not my problem you're so sensitive!"

"So I can't be sensitive?" She asked, and I noticed her arm shivering. "All you do when I'm around is insult me or yell at me. My parents don't give a fuck about me and all they do is blame me and demand everything from me, and I can't give, all I receive for my hard work is more and more pain! And I have to make sure to please everyone else around me and make sure I don't react too much or else I'll just be seen as a nuisance! 'You're too dramatic, you're too sensitive, you're too this, you're too that, you owe me this, you should show me that'! Just let me...Let me LIVE! I'm a fucking person too! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Her voice echoed. I sat still in shock. She was crying. It sounded as if she wasn't even talking to me if she was yelling at someone else, someone she's never been able to yell at.


She stood up, and left the area, slamming the roof door behind her. She's yelled at me a few times, but this was a little different.

It made me...uneasy.

{Momoi POV}

I found myself running to Tetsu-kun's school. Looking at the face of the boy I love always made me feel better.

I arrived, heading towards the gym. I could hear footsteps and the squeaking of their shoes. Basketballs bounced.

Just as I was about to open the gym door, I heard a familiar voice.

"Wait— Kagami-kun."

"What now?"

"You said things too fast. Please give me time to process them."

"What is there to process? I told you I liked you, didn't I?"

I froze. Kagami Taiga-kun?

"Yes, but I'm quite confused. If you've mistaken me for a girl, I will punch you."

"I didn't! Idiot!" I looked around, turning to the side of the gym. I gulped, watching as the two pulled away from a kiss. "There. Does that clear things up?"

My hands clenched into fists. Was Tetsu-kun gay? No way...right?

"...Please...Please go easy on me." He replied, placing his hand against his cheek. "It's becoming quite warm here."

He accepted it. Just like that. Even though I've been with him since middle school...

"Eh? Aren't you Touou's manager?"

Tetsu-kun turned around, surprised to see me. "Momoi-san?"

I let my reality sink in. Tetsu-kun is gone from me. He was taken from me.

He's not mine anymore.

I took a step back. It felt like a thousand knives were stabbing into my back; like I was a book and someone was ripping out all of my pages.

It hurts. So bad.

I started to run without even thinking about what I'm doing. I heard them call out my name, but every syllable that escaped his lips seemed to hurt even more.

I need to get out of here! I don't see that...!

Tears flowed down my face but I didn't care, letting them flow freer than any river. My vision blurred as I managed to run out of the school. Students from the school stared at me, some of them muttering amongst themselves.

As I ran farther and farther away, my legs ached. Before I could stop to catch my breath, the ground under me disappeared.

What the--?

I felt myself tumble down a hill. My body hit sharp edges and my sense of balance was going haywire before cold surrounded me. My hearing instantly muffled, and my eyes closed instinctively. My limbs felt heavier.

Water. I'm in water. It's cold. It's dark. feels nice.

Breathe. I need to breathe.

Do I need to? Do I want to?

My body moved on its own, against my will. My lungs felt like they were about to burst. I pushed my arms down. My feet managed to touch the floor. I gasped for the air when I felt myself break through the surface.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" I wiped my face with my hands, panting. The breeze suddenly felt cold. My arms felt weak. "Come here! Get out of the water, dear, you'll catch a cold!"

Someone tugged at my arm. The bottom half of my legs were sluggish as they forced me out of the water. A blanket wrapped around my body, surrounding me with a warmth. But...I didn't feel anything.

"What happened? Did you fall? It's been raining a lot these days, you have to be careful!"

I found myself nodding. "Yeah...thank you..."

"Oh, dear. You're shivering! I have extra clothes in my car. Do you live near here?" The old lady asked.

I didn't respond. "I'm okay...thank you..."

I returned her blanket and walked up the hill I had rolled down. My short hair was dripping with water. Mud stuck to my body, and I could feel my clothes sagging against me.

But I felt nothing.

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