Chapter 5

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{Momoi POV}

I waited outside the house as they went in. Shivers went down my spine.

There was lots of yelling and shouting and glass shattering. Then silence.

I waited impatiently, my hands fidgeting nervously. The air was still.

"Geez, so loud!" Kise-Kun said. He was the first one to step out. Then followed Mu-kun, Akashi-kun, Daiki-Kun, Tetsu-kun, then Mido-Kun.

"They were quite difficult to talk to." Akashi-kun commented, giving me a small smile. He handed me a small duffel bag filled with my things. "Here you are."

"I could've just gone inside..." I said. "It would've been dangerous for you..."

"Yeah, like we'd let you back in there." Daiki-kun said. He ruffled my hair. "Cmon, let's go."

We all headed to his house, each step taking me further and further away from that hellhole of a house.

. . .

"This way."

"Aomine-Kun, your house is quite messy."

"Shut up, Tetsu. I bet your house looks exactly the same."

"Aominecchi! How many basketballs do you have?!"

"Aomine, you have dirty dishes in your sink."

I've been here multiple times before, so it was cute to see everyone's reactions.

"Make yourself at home, I guess." He grunted. "Imma show Satsuki to her room."

We walked down the familiar hall and into the guest room. He was holding all my bags for me, making me smile a little.

"Here." He opened the door. The sun shined into the room, lighting up the small, wooden desk and the small, twin bed. A closet lined the walls and on the other side, an empty shelf. "I cleared out pretty much everything I had in here and dusted it down so...yeah. Also got some baskets for your undergarment stuff. And Mom made me buy you some products for your time-of-month stuff. And lots of food. So eat a lot."

I pursed my lips, smiling at how he was looking at the room as if it were his greatest accomplishment. "Yeah...Thanks, Daiki-Kun."

"Dai-Chan is fine now." He said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Just said to stop it because people might say something about it but now everyone pretty much knows that we're friends, so..."

"Woah, Momocchi, your room is so big!" Kise-kun popped his head in, looking around.

"Yeah." I said. "Way bigger than what I'm used to."

"Come out once you've sorted your stuff. Imma make some food for the idiots." Dai-Chan pushed Kise-kun out of the room.


I looked around the room.

"This is surreal..." I muttered to myself, heading over to the bags. "Living with Dai-Chan...away from them...Away from that life..."

I smiled as I opened my bag. The first thing I saw was a picture of Dai-Chan and me from when we were younger. He had given me a bouquet of cherry blossoms for Valentine's Day(because Auntie made him) but I think he ended up liking them more than I did.

Looks just like your hair, Satsuki!

I placed the precious memory on the nightstand, rubbing our faces gently with my finger.

Yeah... this is my new beginning. I'll live a good high school life here. Away from them. With the Generation of Miracles. And with Dai-Chan.

With my friends.

{Aomine POV}

"How long do you think she'll stay here?" Midorima asked as I sat on the couch with them.

"I dunno." I replied, sighing. "As long as she needs it, I guess."

"When do you plan on calling CPS?" Akashi asked. "They need to know before her parents come find her."

"I'll call them after talking to her about it." I said. "They're still her parents, no matter how shitty they are. She'll need to know when her parents get arrested."

A silence filled the air as I heard Satsuki unzip one of the bags.

"You should keep sharp objects away from her for now, Aomine-kun." Tetsu said. "She may act alright, but she's experienced pain her whole life. She may act rashly."

"What a dark way to think, Kurokocchi..."

"A reasonable response." Akashi commented. "There are victim of abuse who may crave for the pain again as a distraction."


Another awkward silence.

"I'm hungry." Tetsu suddenly said.

"Yeah, yeah." I stood up. "I'll make something—"

"Please stop." Tetsu stood up, opening his phone and placing it to his ear. "Hello? Please come by Aomine-kun's house. Quickly. I will send you the location."

. . .

"Oi...why the hell am I here?"

I rolled my eyes. "Like I'd know. Tetsu called you, not me. And your food is good."

"So why do I have to cook for all of YOU?!"

Satsuki came outside, shutting the door silently behind her. She walked into the living room, where we all were. "Dai-Chan...?"

"Oh, hey, you done?" I asked. "Tetsu called Kagami. You hungry?"

"Kind of...?"

"Great, let's eat!" Kise burst up from his seat. "Kagamicchi, I'll help you!"

"Hell no! Sit your ass down! Kuroko's a much better helper than you are!"


I looked back at Satsuki. She was staring at Tetsu as he walked to the kitchen with Kagami. She seemed to look at them as if she missed them.

"Shall we go see what your new room looks like, then?" Akashi suggested, standing up from his seat. "It'll be a good way to pass the time while they cook."

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