Chapter 11

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{Aomine POV}

"A date?"


"You like me, Satsuki?"

She pursed her lips. "Uh...I mean...I don't know...maybe...I just find you comforting, is I wanna see if it really is 'love' or I'm just being dumb..."

I felt my face heat up as I looked away. "Uh...yeah, sure. We can go to the movies tomorrow..."

"As a date?"

" a date," I pushed the door open and let us in. An awkward silence filled the space.

I didn't know Satsuki had feelings for me...Also, why is my heart beating so fast?!

"I-I'm gonna go take a bath f-first. You're gonna make dinner, right?"

"Uh huh..."

"Ok, thanks," She rushed inside her room, before running to the bathroom.

I plopped myself down onto the couch, sighing.

A date. A date? With Satsuki. Satsuki? My childhood friend? My manager?

Are you sure about this?

"I don't know anymore," I whispered to myself. "Maybe I like her too...otherwise I would've declined."

Right. Let's see how it goes. The worse thing that can happen is me rejecting her and ending the date. You can do this, Aomine.

{Momoi POV}

I sat with my knees against my chest in the bath, feeling the hot water heat up my already hot face.

"I asked him..." I whispered to myself. "I finally did it..."

Dai-Chan is my childhood friend, so I didn't expect him to say yes. I wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't know what a real date was, either.

Does this mean he likes me...?

Maybe he accepted me so that I would feel good now and then he'll slowly ease out of the rejection...Maybe he doesn't want me to like him because we're friends.

But I can't help it. He's helped me so much throughout the entire situation with my parents, and we've even been in a life-or-death situation together. We've survived it together, experienced the pain together, protected together...

But what if it's just those kinds of situations where people feel comfortable and protected because they were in those life-or-death situations together with someone? What if this love isn't a normal crush that an average high school girl would feel? What if we stop talking and it gets awkward and—

I slapped my cheeks, taking a breath.

"You're overthinking again," I reminded myself.  "Stop it...He didn't reject you yet, right?"


. . .

The theater we planned to go to was closed today, so we had to ride a subway to the one across town.

"Sorry, Dai-Chan..." I said, discouraged. The subway was crowded, so we had to stick to the walls. "I didn't think it'd be closed today..."

"'S not your fault. It's fine," He replied. I hugged my bag close to my chest, pursing my lips.

This position is not fine! Why is Dai-Chan doing kabedon to me?! On the subway?! What is this, some sort of manga?!

He pushed himself away from me as the subway rumbled. I shyly looked up at him.

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