part 36

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I threw back 3 shots and ran my hand over my head

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I threw back 3 shots and ran my hand over my head. I just got back from buying my suit for the wedding and my mind is going a million miles a minute.

"Aha, that nigga getting cold feet. Wassup?" Sinko slapped my shoulder. I shrugged and tapped my foot.

"This got me feeling weird. Like, I've only known her about a year and some change, I feel like we moving too fast. Tavia is all for it, she already got her dress and shit. I just don't know honestly, I feel like we should wait." I sighed, rubbing my temple.

"You got 2 months to think about it bro, don't stress yourself out now. And if you still feel like that then bring it up with her." He shrugged, taking a shot.

"I guess."

"I love you." I mumbled, kissing Tavias lips while she slept.
"Mhm, Chris." She said softly and wrapped her arms around me.
"Wake up baby, I got you something." I pecked her cheek and she slowly woke up.

"Okay, where is it?" She asked, rubbing her stomach.
"You feel like getting up?" She nodded and I got up and grabbed the bandana.

"Gon head and put it on." I laughed. She smiled and wrapped it around her head. I grabbed her hand and lead her downstairs & outside.

 I grabbed her hand and lead her downstairs & outside

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"You ready?" I stood her right in front of the car.
She nodded and i pulled the blindfold off.
"Baby, what- why?!" She squealed and hugged me. I chuckled and picked her up.

"Think of it as an early wedding gift, this what we riding out in." I smiled and kissed her.
"I love you so much, it's so sexy oh my God!" She smiled. I gave her the keys and she got inside.

I tried to take my mind off of everything and took a test drive with her, but I just felt even more guilty.

𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑- 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 Where stories live. Discover now