✦ chapter eleven

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it's always different, i am the one in love, my heart,
i never feel, i never see, i never know, oh,
heart and then it falls and then i fall and
then I know ❜ - genesis, grimes

 ❛ it's always different, i am the one in love, my heart, i never feel, i never see, i never know, oh, heart and then it falls and then i fall and then I know ❜ - genesis, grimes

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YOU AND ANZU walked down an aisle of feature scout costumes. An aisle with Akatsuki's personal costumes. In a way, their convoluted designs contained labyrinths of their unraveling ambitions. You couldn't find the right words to begin describing them. Now that you're having the opportunity to admire them in person, your senses are spiraling all around you. Whatever anzu explained went in one ear and out the other. You could only grasp bits of the gist— Akatsuki's new costumes would be your first costumes ever produced, and to do that, you'll need samples.

"Am i clear?" Anzu's voice was slightly off to you. Distorted. That's how much you were so enthralled with analyzing all feature scout costumes you saw. Anzu sweat dropped when she spotted the stars in your eyes and your awe-struck grin. She'll take that as a yes. "Okay. I'll go pick up some fabric you can use. Don't get lost, please." Anzu left. By that time, Kiryu's costume's sleeve held between your hands. The velvety fabric had its rough surface on it, and you enjoyed smoothing it.

"Wait, where did anzu go...?" Your mind went blank, but you uplifted yourself to explore. "Well..a little searching wouldn't do any harm." You walked about the dressing room as much as you could. Your sketchbook and binder held in your arms tightly as you pass through every aisle of special costumes. Each creation cared for with expertise, and now you have the opportunity to bring designs to life. You wants to see this professionalism in yourself, and if the universe threw you in this place, then it believes you can be capable of it.

It wasn't long before you heard a familiar whine coming from the neighboring chestnut shelves. "Ugh.." The voice also sounded awfully familiar. You quicken your steps just enough to walk by the aisle, only to spot a boy whose arms was filled with fabric rolls and a box of pins/sewing materials hugged against his chest.

Your initial intention was to offer some help, but you saw the boy's black-greenish, feather-like hair, and the dismay in his golden and teal eyes, you had to walk by out of surprise. "Uhm ...!" You gasped, taking the boy who passed you off guard.


Wonderment etched onto your features, thrill pumped your heart, and when you looked back, so did he. Mika's mismatched eyes locked with your [e/c] ones, and curiosity became rich on his features as they both came to a halt.


Mika and you both speak at the same time.

Humor and oddity consumed the air. Focusing on how to function as a producer occupied a colossal part of your mind that encountering Mika now left you wordless. "Y-you're the new gal, aren't'cha?" His chaste voice, distinctive from his melancholic stage cadence, stole your attention back to where you stood.

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