Fate Can Be Cruel (Chris's P.o.v)

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It's the hardest thing I ever had to do, leaving Jesse behind. I wish I didn't have to but I had no choice, the fates threatened to hurt him. I was fine with them punishing me, but I could never be fine with Jesse being put at risk. I love him, and I would do anything to protect him, even if it means I can't be with him.

After I left Jesse's house I went to my old house where I use to live my mortal life before I died. I see my grandparents sitting across from each other at the table, I miss them. They were there for my brother Kyle and me when our parents died. Then when Kyle and me died in that car accident last year, I saw how it tore them apart. The accident wasn't anyone's fault. The roads were wet and the car swerved out of control, Kyle was driving and he couldn't steady the wheel, our car ended up smacking into someone else's and we crashed off the road. I don't remember what happened after that, all I remember is waking up in a courtroom looking setting and one of the fates asking me if I would like another chance at life and to be able to save others. I couldn't exactly say no to that. I went to living by myself not too long after I was accepted as an angel, and Kyle got kicked out of heaven for challenging the fates authority.

I take one last look at my grandparents and then I walk off. I don't want to leave but I know that I can't stay, that isn't my life anymore. Seeing them just makes me realize how much I miss Jesse. I decide to walk back to Jesse's house. I know I shouldn't go there but just because I can't be with him, doesn't mean I won't protect him. I get there and I check in on Jesse to find him already asleep so I find a hidden spot in the bushes and lay down, and I quickly fall asleep.

Next Day(which is Sunday btw)-

I wake up the next morning with my back killing me. I want to check on Jesse now, I know that I should just leave him, but I can't until I have checked if he's ok or not. I need to know that he won't do something that will end up getting him hurt or killed.

I sneakily walk towards the house and peek into the kitchen. I see Liam and Derek cooking breakfast, Will and Noah sitting at the table talking about something, and I see Jesse sitting at the table looking dead. It makes me feel more terrible then I already feel to see him like this. Staring at him all I wish in this moment is that I can just knock on the front door of the house and return to Jesse. I need him and from what I can see he needs me too. But I can't go against the fates, if I do they'll hurt Jesse and as a said before that's not a risk I'm willing to take.

Jesse excuses himself from the table and leaves to walk up the stairs. Everyone in the room watches him walk up the stairs with sad looks. I quickly walk away from the scene, not wanting to see them all sad. I walk to the side of the house where Jesse's room is and climb up the tree that's next to Jesse's window. The house has two trees on two opposite sides of the house. One on the right side of the house where Jesse's room is and one on the left side of the house where one of the other boys rooms were.

After I'm at the top of the tree I hide under the cover of branches and stare into Jesse's room. I see him sitting on the bed sobbing and holding something in his hand. I can't see what it is though, I just hope it isn't anything bad. He sets whatever it is on the nightstand by his bed and then walks into the bathroom. I quickly open the window and walk towards the nightstand and look at what he put there, I see that it's a news article the title is "Terrible Accident Kills Three" I pick it up and begin to read.

37 year old Katherine Berman killed on March 30th, 2014. She died at the hospital, being taken there shortly after she was hit by another car that swerved out of control. The car was driven by 17 year old Kyle Reed, his 16 year brother Christopher was in the passenger seat and after hitting Katherine's car they swerved off road, Christopher died instantly and Kyle died shortly after.

I stare at the paper. The person who was killed in mine and Kyle's accident was Jesse's mom?! How long has he known about this? Does he hate me now that he knows? I have to talk to him about this, I have to explain what happened. I decide to wait for Jesse to get out of the bathroom, I'm not supposed to be doing this but it is something that needs to be done.

Jesse walks out of the bathroom and as soon as he looks up he locks eyes with me. I see so many emotions swimming through him right now, but the main was is sadness. I hold up the news article and ask "How long have you had this?" Jesse answers back with "I've had it since the day the article came out, I didn't know who was involved until I read it again this morning and saw Kyle's name and your name." I look at him sad and ask "Do you hate me now?" Jesse shakes his head no and says "I know it wasn't your fault that it happened, I don't blame Kyle either. Fate can be cruel sometimes, but I believe everything happens for a reason."

I look at Jesse confused and say "You just talked about Kyle like you know him." He said "That's because I do know him. I met him yesterday, I was going to tell you all about it but I never got the chance you broke up with me before I could tell you anything, I don't even know what you're doing here right now." He held so much anger in his voice but I could see the sadness swelling inside of him. I walk up to him and hug him, I can't avoid him anymore, I can't not tell him what's going on and why I broke up with him, he needs to know everything. The best way to protect him is to tell him before he self-destructs.

Jesse tries to push me away but I just hug him tighter. He starts hitting my chest and I say "Please stop. I need to hold you, and I need you to listen." Jesse stops fighting and I let him go and then I grab his hands in mine. I take a deep breath then I say "I didn't breakup with you because I wanted to, I broke up with you because I was forced to." Jesse looks at me confused and I say "The fates threatened to harm you if I didn't break things off." Jesse goes wide eyed and asks "What if I don't care about the risks? What if I choose you no matter what?" I pull my hands away from him and turn around then I say "That would mean you would be hunted, unless we were to marry and I take on a mortal life before they can catch us."

Jesse turns me back around to face him and says "I would do that if it meant getting to be with you." I shake my head and say "You don't know what you're saying, if we do this you would be in danger until we are married, and that's if we can get married. I know you want your Uncle Liam to approve of this, and if he doesn't I know you'll feel guilty about it." Jesse pulls me to him hugging me tight and says "I'm willing to take any risk to be with you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please don't fight me on this I love you and I don't want to lose you."

I hug him back tightly and say "I love you too, and I promise I'll never leave you again." Jesse pulls back and places a kiss on my lips and I say "I've really missed your kisses." He laughs and so do I then I get down on one knee and grab on of his hands in mine then I say "Jesse Berman you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and in such a short amount of time I've come to love you. I know that we are young, and that this isn't the most ideal circumstance to get married. But would you do me the most amazing honor of marrying me and becoming Mr. Jesse Reed?"

Jesse with tears in his eyes says yes. I get up off the floor and pull him towards me kissing him passionately on the lips. Soon he'll be all mine forever and I won't ever be alone again. The only problem now will be getting Liam to agree to let me marry his nephew. I hope he'll accept me into the family, I also hope that he'll let us get married at such a young age.

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