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I would like to give a big thanks to staylor9 , Jade_the_Miracle12 , & saracmack for being super amazing and commenting! Your comments really make me happy! As for all my other readers who vote I want to thank you for supporting me! I want you all to remember that I love each and every one of you and I promise I'm done talking now, so please enjoy the new chapter!

I have been walking down the hall for what seems like hours. I have taken many twists and turns and right now I know that I'm lost. I decided to take a break and sit down on the hall floor. I sit for a little while until I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump up and get into a defensive position. I hear a laugh and I look up to meet eyes with a pair of crystal blue eyes. A pair of eyes that I know too well. A pair of eyes that belong to Chris.

I get out of my defensive position and run into Chris's arms. He hugs me close and I hug him right back. Everything feels so peaceful until suddenly I feel a jolt of guilt. I pull away from Chris and I start crying then I say "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to hold out for longer when I was being forced to become a demon. I am also sorry because of these stupid demon instincts that I let Austin touch me and kiss me. I didn't want it, but I couldn't fight it."

After I finish saying all I need to say Chris pulls me back into his arms. I try to push him away again but he doesn't let me. I finally give up and he wipes the tears from my eyes and kisses my forehead before saying "No matter what happened I don't blame you. I don't know what kind of torture they put you through, but I know that it must have been terrible if it made you want to kill yourself. You are too strong to let little stuff get to you. As for the whole Austin thing, I know your demon instincts took control and I can't blame you for something you couldn't control."

I smile in his arms and say "I really want to get out of this place." Chris says "I had a plan, but then Kyle got himself captured and it all went to shit." I laugh a little and say "I found Kyle and this other demon named Sage who is willing to help us get out. He of course wants out too." Chris nods is head and asks "Do you still have the ring?" I lift my hand up to show him the ring and he smiles. I smile back then I say "We have to come up with a plan to get out of here. We have someone on the inside now so we can use that to our advantage, but we still need a good plan." Chris nods his head in agreement and says "I will have to meet up with this Sage guy so we can make a plan. I mean he knows the inner workings of this place so it would only make sense for me to make a plan with him."

My face grows a worried expression and I ask "How are you going to make a plan with Sage? You aren't supposed to be here, and I am scared that if you go out of hiding too meet with Sage you might get caught." Chris frowns and says "But if I don't do it we might never get out of here. I am willing to risk getting caught if it means I could have the chance of getting you out of here." I just nod my head signaling that I agree with him because I know he's right and then I say "I would take you to Sage, but I'm a bit lost." Chris laughs and says "Don't worry I know the way to the torture room." I say ok and Chris begins walking with me following not far behind him.

After what seems like forever we stop walking and I see the familiar door of what Chris calls the torture room. No one is outside so I tell Chris to wait while I make sure if it is just Sage and Kyle in the room. He nods his head and I walk inside the torture room. I see Kyle looking a bit weak from the cuts and bit of blood lose he is suffering, but he is still awake. I then see Sage literally just staring at the wall like it is the most interesting thing in the world. I clear my throat causing them both to look at me, then I say "I found Chris and he wants to talk to you Sage." Sage nods his head and we both walk out of the room to meet and plan with Chris.

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