Tied Up

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Hey guys. I'm sorry that it has been a little while since I last updated. I promise I will try to update again tomorrow to make up for it. Also I would like to share some news with you guys, I am going to make a sequel to this book. Hope you are all excited.

As I walk around looking for Austin I see Blake and Jeffrey arguing. They both don't seem to see me and then all of a sudden they stop arguing. I can't help be stare wide eyed as Blake pushes Jeffrey against the wall and pins him there. My eyes grow even wider when I see Blake kissing a struggling Jeffrey. After a little while Jeffrey stops struggling and he starts kissing Blake back.

I stand there feeling like a total creeper watching them, so I decided to leave and begin looking for Austin again. As soon as I turn the corner I run into a hard chest and I look up to see Austin. He automatically wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. He starts to kiss from my jawline down my neck, and even though I feel disgusted by having him touch me, I moan when he kisses the sensitive part on my neck. I try to push Austin away and I struggle to wiggle out if his grasp but he doesn't let up on his grip.

Suddenly Austin relaxes his grip a little and he looks down at my left hand. He grows a huge frown on his face and says "That prick Chris gave you that, didn't he?" I nod my head and try to keep my voice void of emotions as I say "He did give me this ring but I don't care for it anymore, in fact I forgot I was even wearing it." Austin takes the ring between his fingers and starts to slide it off as he says "Then I will help you get rid of it." I feel as if I'm about to cry, this asshole of a man is taking something that is precious to me, and there is nothing I can do about it. If I do anything it would blow any chance of getting out of here.

After Austin has taken the ring off completely he throws it somewhere behind him and says "We won't be needing that." I just nod my head in response because I know I probably wouldn't even be able to utter a word without my voice cracking. Austin suddenly picked me up into his arms and forced my legs to wrap around his waist. Austin kisses the right side of my neck then he brings his lips close to my ear and whispers "How about we pick up where we left off before?" I shiver in disgust but Austin mistakes it for a a shiver of lust and he says "Let's have some fun then."

I don't want to do this, I don't want to give my virginity to a demon.  But I have to, it is the only way not to blow our cover, we all need to get out of here but if I give the slightest hint to Austin we are all screwed. With that in mind I cling tighter to Austin. I have to do this even if it kills me to do it. We down the halls with me still clinging to him with my legs around his waist.

I just look around feeling a bit dead inside and then my eyes fall upon Chris hiding in the shadows I stare straight into his eyes and and then turn away. I can't even bare to look at him right now. Chris told me "You have to act like you have been acting we can't let him know that anything is wrong" so that is what I'm doing. Except this time there are no demon instincts making me do this. I guess the real strength is being able to sacrifice yourself for the people you love and care about. I know they came here just to save me, but if I can send them all back safely even if I lose a little of myself while doing so, then so be it.

Austin suddenly drops me from his arms and I feel my back hit a soft bed. I just lay back staring at the ceiling trying to lose myself in my own thoughts. Austin then begins to move his fingers along my body, grazing my nipples through my top. I again shiver in disgust and Austin and mistakes it for lust because he stops fondling my nipples through my top, and move straight to my pants. Quickly he takes off my pants along with my boxers. I whimper feeling completely exposed. Austin grasps my dick in his hand and begins to slowly jerk me off. I literally start to cry I hate being touched by this demon, I just want Chris.

Suddenly Austin stops moving his hand and he looks at my face. He takes his hand completely off of me and says "I know you don't want this." He pulls up me underwear and pants to cover me back up and says "If you don't want this I'm not going to force you, I love you and if you aren't ready for sex yet I understand." I look up at him in shock. Did he really just say what I thought he did? Austin doesn't say anything else and he gets up off the bed. Suddenly the door opens and Austin and me both look up to see Chris standing there. Austin makes a move to lunge at Chris but I quickly grab something off the dresser by the bed and throw it at Austin. Whatever it was must have been really heavy because as soon at it hits Austin he hits the floor like a ton of bricks.

I get up from the bed and walk over to Austin,  tapping him with my foot. He doesn't even move and I look up at Chris with a glare. I then say "Look what you made me do. How in the hell are we supposed to get out of here now? What were you even thinking when you barged in like that?" Chris thinks for a second and says "Well, you didn't have to throw something at him and knock him out, I could have handled it on my own. I barged in because when I saw you in the hall I knew exactly where Austin was taking you and I knew I had to come save you, even if it ruined the plan. As for getting out of here, it looks like we are speeding the plan up drastically. In the meantime we should tie Austin up, and gag him so he can't call for help when he wakes up."

I say okay and Chris and me take the sheets off the bed and rip them up to make restraints and a gag. Once we are done I give Chris a quick kiss on the lips and say "Thanks for coming to try and save me, even though in the end I was the one who saved you."

Chris laughs a little and then says "You should probably go try and talk to Brent and Jeffrey ASAP." I say "Probably. Go tell Sage what happened and tell him to come guard Austin." He nods his head and gives me a quick peck on the lips before leaving the room. Once he is gone I let out a sigh and say "Now I have to to go talk to the idiots,  I hope they're decent. I would really hate to walk in on their 'fun', that would be extremely awkward." With that I leave the room to find Brent and Jeffrey.

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