The Plan

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The guy in the picture is Sage. I changed his eye color to dark blue. He doesn't have tattoos and his weapons in the pic but I hope you still like him.

When we make it out of the room Chris sizes up Sage, Sage does the same thing and they both are like having a testosterone battle. I push them slightly and say "We don't have time for a pissing contest right now, we need to come up with an escape plan." They both regain their balance and snap out of it and then they look at me. Sage says "Sorry, I just got got a little carried away. Besides your fiancé is the one that started it." Chris scoffs but doesn't say anything else.

I look between the both of them and say "Shake hands and make nice because you guys are going to have to get along and work together to make a plan to get out of here." The both stick their hands out for each other to shake and I can't help but laugh at their pouting faces. I then say "Good boys, now let's come up with a plan quickly before Austin or any of his other minions show up to check on the prisoner."

Sage tells us the inner workings of the demon compound. Apparently there is a portal hidden in this place that will be able to take us to the surface. The only problem is that it is heavily guarded and the only ones allowed to pass through are Austin, Blake and Jeffrey. I know for sure Austin will not be taking us all through the portal anytime soon, so that leaves Blake and Jeffrey.

I tell them that I will try to convince them. I don't know if I'll be able to though. Blake and Jeffrey said we are all good and still friends, but I don't know if they would be able to go against Austin. Sage reaches into his belt and pulls out some powder. I look at it confused and Sage hands it to me before saying "Use this on them if it doesn't work out. It will make them forget what you told them." I nod my head and pocket the powder.

The guys talk some more about the plan, like where we are going to go after we escape. Sage says that his girlfriend, who's name I learned is Alice, lives in a sicluded area protected by a magical barrier. I get slightly worried and ask "When are we going to start this plan? I obviously know sooner would be better, but I don't want to rush into the plan and screw it up." They both nod and Chris says "We will give it a couple of days and then we will make our move." Sage and I agree with him and then I say "What am I supposed to do about Austin?" Chris gets an angry expression when I say his name but then says "You have to act like you have been acting we can't let him know that anything is wrong." I just nod and say "I should probably go and try to find him then. I think he would want to know that the torture is done." Chris nods his head with a pained expression and I give Chris a passionate kiss on the lips before walking away.

I really hope this plan goes well. I don't want to stay in this place another minute, I don't want to have to pretend and be interested in a heartless demon. I just want to leave here and never look back, I just want to be happy with Chris for the rest of our lives.

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