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I pull away from Chris I don't want to but I need to know what he did to my father. Once I'm out of his hold I ask him "What did you do to him? What do you mean by you took care of it? You can tell me what you did Chris I have no sympathy for that man anymore and I know that you only did what you had to do, so tell me what it was." Chris grabs my hands in his and says "I beat him half to death....I wanted him to feel the pain that you felt and I just snapped, I couldn't stop once I punched him once I just kept punching until he hit the ground and then I kicked him a few times." I go mute for a minute and Chris starts crying and he says that he's a monster and that's when I find my voice and say "No! You aren't a monster, you're my own little angel sent by fate to save me and that's what you did. You saved me Chris and I love you for that."

Chris looks a bit out of it for a second like someone is talking to him and then he grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss and his arms go around my waist pulling me in to him, Chris's hands move lower so that his hands are resting on my ass, he squeezes my ass and I moan into his mouth. Chris lifts me off my feet and I wrap my legs are his waist causing our groins to touch which makes both of us groan, I pull away from the kiss to breathe but Chris just moves his kisses from my jaw down to my neck, once he finds the sensitive part on my neck and bites it lightly I groan from the pleasure and pain of it, Chris licks at the spot and I can't take it anymore so I grab him by his hair and pull him back up so I can kiss him some more. I start rubbing our groins together and Chris matches my thrusts, I know if we don't stop now me and Chris will end up having sex and I don't want that yet so I pull away from the kiss and stop moving, after noticing that I'm just there unmoving Chris asks me what's wrong and I say "I'm just not ready to have sex yet, I wanna take things slow I've only known you for a few days and I would like to know you better when we finally have sex."

Chris nods his head in understanding and then sets me down on the ground again. I give Chris one last kiss and then say "I'm gonna go check on my dad, I don't really care how he's doing but we can't let him call the cops on you and then get you arrested for trespassing and abuse." I walk down stairs while holding Chris's hand and I see my father at the the edge of the staircase looking lifeless but he's still breathing, I let go of Chris's hand and walk to my father checking his pulse, I can barely feel it but it's there. I ask Chris to hand me his phone and I call 911 telling them my version of things, they get to the house in no time and tell me that my father will be put on trial and if he's found guilty he'll go to prison. The officer that told me this said I had to come down to the station so I could tell him and show him evidence that would convict my father, and as for Chris he isn't going to jail or anything he told the officers it was self defense and yet Chris doesn't have one scratch on him, but the officers bought his excuse anyways.

After all the excitement died down Chris told me that he might have to leave soon to take care of some business with a few friends of his he says he'll be back as soon as he can but, I don't know if that's true, and who are these mysterious friends of his. After he tells me this he suggested that we go out to the movies and see The Book of Life, I told him that sounded like a great idea. It would distract me from what's going to happen to me after they convict my dad obviously I'm not 18 yet so they're going to have to find me a relative to live with and if they can I'll be put into foster care, and I won't have my boyfriend about to comfort me. I guess Chris notices a worried and sad look on my face because he turns my face towards his and gives me a peck on the lips and then says "Don't worry about tomorrow, just focus on today and forget what has happened for now." I just nod my head and slip my hand in his intertwining my fingers with his. Chris ushers me to the car and begins driving to the movies, once we get there Chris buys our tickets and I run straight towards the concession stand and order a popcorn bucket, sour punch strawberry, and a coke Icee.

Chris asks the lady if she can add another coke icee to my order, the lady looks between us and smiles then goes off to get the stuff. She returns with all our stuff and says "Will that be all?" I tell her no and the lady says how much I have to pay, but before I can even grab a hold of my wallet Chris hands her a 50 dollar bill and tells her to keep the change.(No joke someone actually did that when I went to the movies one time)We make our way to the theater 4 and pick our seats, the theater is empty, except for Chris and me, most people probably went to go see The Book of Life. We started to watch the movie and it was like an emotional rollercoaster, one minute you're like cute young love, and then the next minute you're like noooo why. Chris was laughing at me being all into the movie but I didn't care.

I sat there munching on popcorn and sour punch getting so into the movie that even when it ended I was still staring at the screen like I didn't know what just happened. I got up out of my seat and handed Chris the empty popcorn bucket with an empty sour punch strawberry wrapper inside and my empty drink, Chris looks at it wide eyed and says "Babe if you eat this much, why aren't you fat by now?" He starts laughing and I punch him lightly on the arm and say "Oh please, you wish you were this fabulous." Chris starts laughing even harder and answer back "Sure babe whatever you say." I frown and say "If you don't agree then you won't be getting any kisses from me anytime soon."(Imagine this with a super sassy attitude)

Chris groans and says "You are going to be the death of me." Then Chris leans down to peck my lips and I just move away and say "you have to say the magic words." Chris groans again and says "Jesse Berman, you aren't fat, and I do wish I was as fabulous as you." I laugh and say "You still aren't getting any kisses because you made fun of me in the first place." I stick my tongue out at him and skip to the car, I probably look super special doing it but I don't know I just feel giddy right now and I don't care what people think about it. Chris finally makes it to the car seconds later and says "May I please have a kiss?" I nods my head and kiss his cheek and then I say "There I gave you a kiss." Chris mumbles something about me being a tease I laugh and Chris starts driving me home and once we get there I see a car parked in my driveway.

I don't recognize the car but I walk up to it and who ever is in the car gets out, I see that it's a man and he stops right in front of me and says "Jesse, you probably don't remember me but I am your Dads brother Liam Berman, you might know me better as Uncle Liam. The last time we met was when you were about 6 years old, your dad found out I was gay and told me not to come around anymore because he didn't want me to "corrupt" you, it seems even with me not around you figured out your hearts desires even if it was forced down you throat that you aren't supposed to be "different". I'm here to become your legal guardian Jesse but I want it to be your decision, I'm not gonna force you to come with me but I would love to have you in my life, and you could meet my husband Derek, and your cousins Will and Noah."

My mind is swirling over all this new information, I need some time to think right now and Chris reads my facial expression instantly because he says "Mr. Berman, how about do you think that you give Jesse a day to think over what you have said?" Uncle Liam nods his head and asks "Jesse who is this young man next you?" Before I can even reply Chris extends his hand to my Uncle and says "My name is Christopher Reed, I'm Jesse's boyfriend and it is a pleasure to meet you sir." My Uncle shakes his hand and says "It is nice to meet you Christopher, please look after Jesse today and make sure that he makes a decision." With that last sentence Uncle Liam gets in his car and drives away.

Chris takes my house keys from my hand and opens the door, he leads me inside and asks "So, How are you processing all this new information?" I groan but don't answer because I still haven't fully processed everything that has happened yet, first off I have an Uncle I don't remember, second I have a huge decision to make about where I want to live, and third I have a hot boyfriend who may leaving me soon and may not come brain hurts I need to sleep too much thinking, and too much stress. I turn towards Chris and say "I need to sleep my brain hurts from so many overwhelming things happening at once." Chris says "Okay. How about I join you and we can cuddle?" I smile at him and nod my head, once in my room I don't bother changing my close or anything I just lay down in bed and Chris puts his arms around me, and I snuggle deeper into his warm chest loving how comfortable and relaxed I feel right now.

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