Assignment (Chris P.o.v)

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So this is Chris! Hope you all like him!

Chris P.o.v-

"Do you accept your assignment Christopher?" If I accept this assignment my life could change forever I can lose my wings, because if I fail the fates will see me as unworthy of them, but if I don't accept the assignment I go back to being a level 1 angel and I have to earn my wings all over again. I hear myself saying I accept and the fates say"You Christopher Reed are assigned to stop Jesse Berman from committing suicide, failure to prevent him from doing so will cost you your wings and your title as a guardian angel which means you will be an ordinary human and will be kicked out of heaven, do you agree to these terms?" I just say"I do" then they say"So it is said so it shall be" after all this the only information they give me on this Jesse kid is what his schedule is at school, how old he is, and what his name is.

How am I supposed to save this guy if I don't know anything about him or even what he looks like? I guess I'll have to do it the old fashion way by talking to him all I have to say is he better be cute I'm risking my wings for this kid well not really kid we are the same age we're both 16 but still. The fates strip me of my wings which hurts a lot it feels like someone is slashing me with a knife multiple times but I don't complain. Once they strip me of my wings they give me a schedule and I see that they have matched up all my classes with this Jesse kid except for chorus. I'm guessing that they don't want a repeat of what happened last year when I sang terribly in front of my last charge and she would avoid me like the plague because I could ruin her reputation. Needless to say I was replaced with my friend Marek who then saved the girl and even set her up with a good guy who dated her for a little until the girl became a total nut job and tried to kill him for looking at another girl, the fates stepped in and made it so the girl committed suicide and killed herself like she was supposed to then they banished her to one of the cells in hell, Marek blames himself for what happened.

Once the fates safely place me on earth I walk to the school I take my sweet time getting to the class and I don't get there until after the bell rings, the teacher comes up to me and asks for my schedule I hand it to her and she says"I don't care if your new Christopher I do not tolerate lateness in my class I'll let it slide today but tomorrow don't let it happen, now Christopher would you please introduce yourself to the class." I hate being called Christopher, I look around the class and I see a bunch of girls pulling their tops lower and a bunch of guys giving me death glares and then there is one guy just staring at me he's pretty cute actually. I stand up straight and say"Hi my name is Chris, I'm a people person, and I'm bisexual." Everyone just looks at me with faces of shock, I'm blunt when I tell people things I don't want them to have to find out later it would only make things worse.

Slowly people start to compose themselves and then the teacher says"I want everyone to introduce themselves to Chris." People start introducing themselves but I only listen to the guys not the girls trying to find out which ones Jesse. I'm starting to get worried that Jesse has already tried to commit suicide and I'm too late, but then I see the cute guy in the back I guess he's been hiding because he didn't want to introduce himself. The kid stands up and says"H-hey my names J-Jesse I'm an ex football player and I'm openly gay so I wouldn't come near me, I'll just end up ruining your reputation." I look at Jesse and all I want to do is help him I'm determined to do so not because it's an assignment but because he looks broken all my other charges tried to keep a happy face in front of people but this one shows his unhappiness to the world I admire him for that it isn't easy to be yourself and show how your really feeling sometimes.

The teacher tells me to take a seat wherever I would like so I take the seat next to Jesse he looks up to see who has just sat next to him but then doesn't spare me a second glance. It's silent for a little while until I ask him"So um what classes do you have" I mean I already know what they all are but at least this way I can hear him speak. After he finishes telling me he turns away from me and a moment later I'm poking him shoulder again he turns back to me and I hand him my schedule wanting him to realize he's stuck with me. He looks like he's done reading my schedule so I say"So I guess this means we'll be seeing a lot of each other." I see him shiver and I love knowing that I can cause him to do that just by saying some simple words. It causes me to laugh just knowing that. I'm gonna probably try to be more than my charges friend while I'm trying to save him.

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