Day 9. Constantinople

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Byzantium, the last beacon of once the most powerful empire on Earth, had fallen.

Georgios dragged his hurt feet through the small alley behind Hagia Sophia. He had been hiding so well, it would be a shame if they caught him now.

After three days, the Turks had filled their appetite with killing, raping, and looting.

The hot Mediterranean sun looked like a giant metal plate.

God had forsaken Constantinople.

The stench of death was so strong, it made Georgios tear up. Flies buzzed. Blood stained the church's marble walls. Heaps of dead bodies lay open. Maggots and rats feasted.

*Artwork: Mehmed the Conqueror enters Constantinople, painting by Fausto Zonaro

Prompt: Imagine light or darkness is absolute. No change ever. In this place, there is no change, no balance. Only one side of the coin.

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