𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫: 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐬

15 1 1

"Kendrix, no!" Cindy yelped, running to my side as my body fell. I groaned in pain, blood still dripping out of my nose. I whispered something to Cindy, but she couldn't hear.

"What?" she sobbed, "I can't hear you?"


She gasped in realisation, running to the other machine and taking off the one from Lilah's heart, putting them together and turning the power into electricity. Once it was done, she once again ran to my side, pulling me over to Gunner. I sat up slowly, looking at my best friend.

"Are you ok?" I whispered, "Please be ok,"

"No no, I'm fine," he sniffed, "I just... need a minute," he placed a hand on the wound, sitting up a bit and leaning against the hallway of the basement. I sat next to him, his head resting on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Gunner," I whispered, "this is all my fault. I should've never kept this from you. And now look where it's gotten me,"

"I would've just died sooner," he laughed, but it soon turned into a cough of pain, "Plus, I'm sure I feel fine, I just need the ambulance,"

He wasn't fine. I could hear his heartbeat. Not only did it tell me he was lying, but it was also slowing down, and I knew he wouldn't make it. I looked up at Cindy who was dialling the number on her phone.

"Hello? Yes, this is Cindy speaking. I need your help my girlfriend has been attacked and she's dying," she sobbed, "I'm at 98th Street Brooklyn,"

I looked back to Gunner, his eyes far, far away.

"Thanks for saving me," he whispered, still looking into the distance.

"What are you talking about?" I sniffed, "This is the opposite of saving,"

"I don't mean this," he said, "I mean everything. You saved me from everything, and now I can die,"

"You're not going to die, Gunner," I hissed, "The ambulence is going to get here and we're all going to be ok-"

"Kendrix," he said, finally looking at me, "It's ok,"

And that was all I needed. It was all I needed to break down crying. And I couldn't stop. 

"I love you," I sobbed. And he never responded. His eyes glazed over and the spirit imitating off of him left. 'finally free', as he said.

I couldn't hear much after that. I was coming in and out of consciousness, my body feeling numb. He was dead. He was really dead. I do remember the ambulance come, though, loading me up into the van with Cindy. The last thing I did see was the paramedics take Gunner's body into a separate van, a bloodied cloth laying over him.

"Cindy? Is that you?"

My eyes opened slightly, swollen from the fight. She jumped up and ran to my side, tears filling her eyes.

"You're ok!" she sobbed, hugging me tightly.

"Ow... sorry, my ribs are broken I think," I coughed.

"Right, sorry," she nodded, letting go.

"How long have I been here?" I wheezed, looking around.

"Well, with the injuries and everything you had to be put under anesthesia for a week," she explained.

"A week? Jesus," I rubbed my bruised head softly as a doctor walked in.

"Nice to see you're awake," she smiled, "My name is Doctor Gram, I'm just going to be letting you know of your injuries and changing the fluids we're giving you,"

"Ok," I nodded, letting her continue.

"Seven broken ribs, fractured right arm, broken nose, major concussion, minor cuts on the face, major cut on the right knee and bruising... basically everywhere," she explained, reading from her clipboard.

"God," I groaned, laying my head back, "Any good news?"

"Well, seeing as you have been here for a week, your cuts have healed, bruising has gone down and we have applied stitching to the cut on your knee," she said, "Oh, and we added a cast to your arm,"

"Ok, so I'm basically ok?" I hoped.

"Well, no," she frowned, "But you're better," 

"Oh, right," I nodded. The nurse stayed to fill up my fluids and then left, leaving me with Cindy.

"Kendrix... I'm so so sorry," Cindy broke down crying at my side, clearly guilt-ridden.

"Hey, it's ok, don't beat yourself up," I croaked, "You made up for it by saving me,"

"I know, I just... I thought I could keep everyone alive, I thought everyone would be ok..."

"Everyone is ok though," I tried to smile through the bruising, but Cindy's face fell even more.

"Kendrix... don't you remember?" she whispered.

"I looked down as it all came back to me. The fight. Gunner's heart stopped. Lilah.

"Look, it's not your fault, remember?" Cindy begged, "It was Lilah's, not yours,"

"He's dead," I shuddered, tears brimming in my eyes.

"I know, love. I know," she bent down and hugged me, my tears sinking into her clothes.

I had known Gunner for years; he was like a platonic soulmate for me. We always got along and we have always been there for each other. Except for the day I left him to die in the boiler room.

"This is my fault," I whispered, "You were right. I could've saved everyone, and yet I still put strangers first over my friends. My family,"

Cindy stayed silent, tears now dripping down her face too. She'd hate to admit it, but I was right and she knew it.

"You should go," I whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"But Kendrix-"

"GO!" I yelled, looking at her with anger. Not anger for her, but for me. This was all my fault. 

As Cindy walked out slowly, I felt the anger turn into sadness as tears poured down my cheeks, no help for my already bad breathing. My best friend was dead.

𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧

I walked out of Kendrix's room, crying. This was all my fault. I had let her down, and now she felt betrayed and heartbroken. 

This was all my fault.

I had nowhere to go. I wasn't going home, it was so empty and quiet there. All it did was remind me that my parents couldn't be bothered coming home. I mean, I never told them about the fight with Lilah and how Gunner died, but they didn't need to know. They wouldn't care. So I walked into Gunner's now empty room, sitting on the edge of his bed. His clothes still lay on the side of the room from where his parents had come in to give him things, but they had;t been touched since. And all I could do was cry. Cry about the empty bed. Cry about Kendrix telling me to leave. And cry because Gunner was never coming home.

Lmao depression chapter

I wrote this in buisness:D

anywaysss I love Gunner so much I almost cried writing this

also I love writing Cindy's pov cause I love her

have a good day/night!

Ava xx

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞- Spider GirlWhere stories live. Discover now