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Still Jinhee's POV

It's time to go home. I packed my stuff and went outside. No signs of Yeji and the others. I took a glance at Lee Know, who is still on his phone. I approached him and poke his right shoulder.

He looks at me. "What?" "It's time to go home," He looks at me blankly. "And?" "Can you accompany me to the school gate? I'm afraid I might be lost," I said. Lee Know sighed.

"Gosh, girls these days are so annoying. Yah, Han-ah," Lee Know called his friend, who was about 2 tables away from us. "Yes?" "Why is this girl still sitting next to me? She's so annoying," Lee Know whined.

"Oh? Sorry about that. Hey, Jinhee! Come over here," Han said, I went to him. "How can I help you, beautiful?" Han said, holding my hand. Great, now I'm feeling uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Lee Know snatched my hand from Han's. "Stop it, you're making her uncomfortable," He said, dragging me outside of the classroom.

"Find it yourself," I glared at him. I thought he would help me to the school gate but-, nevermind just forget it. I yanked my hand from his hand and leave.

"'Gosh, girls these days are so annoying'. Gosh, Boys these days are more annoying," I said to myself. I made it to the school gate, thank God. I saw my mom's car and went to it.

"Jinhee! How was your first day?" My mom asked. A smile plastered on her face. "It was great, just a random boy who was unwilling to help me to the school gate. Glad I managed to find it myself and didn't get lost," I whined, making her chuckle.

*2 months later*

It's PE period, and everyone gathered at the gym. I was looking for Yeji. Yuna waved at me. "Jinhee!" Her voice echoed at the gym, making everyone go silent.

I hid my face, and Yuna did the same thing. I approached them. The other students continued to mind their own business. Chaeryoung and Ryujin were holding their laughs.

"Why did you do that?" Chaeryoung said, laughing. "Sorry, I didn't expect my voice to be that loud," we laughed together. After a few moments, the coach finally came.

"Sorry class, I'm late. I hurt my ankle just now. And I don't think I can teach today. So I'll be giving you a free period," The coach said and leave. All students cheered.

"Poor him," I said. "So what are we going to do?" Lia asked. All of us looked at each other. "Let's just talk about something, I have hot topics for gossiping," Said Ryujin. We all sit and start talking.

I was having a peaceful time talking with them when a ball hit right on my head. "Ow!" I shouted. I turned around to see who is the kicker or the thrower. It was...

Lee Know. Argh, it's him again. My enemy since my first day. He's been annoying me for the whole month. Do you know how many times we got detention for fighting each other? "Yah, are you blind or what?!" I shouted, making the gym silent.

"Oops, sorry didn't see you there, little one," Lee Know smirked. "Would you mind passing the ball?" He asked. "Really dude? After what just happened just now? You didn't even apologize properly," I am so pissed.

I took the ball and throw it. It hit him right on his forehead, making him fall on his butt. "Ahh, Yah! Do you know how to throw?" He asked. "Well, do you know how to catch?" He get up, approached me, and grabbed my collar. My feet are not touching the ground.

Right Person, Wrong Time ~𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤~Where stories live. Discover now