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Author POV

Lee Know's existence is still unknown. It's either he was dead, or he just disappeared just like that. Jinhee decided to visit Lee Know's parents, but when she arrived there, her parents no longer lived there.

Their neighbours told her that they moved to Japan for some business work. Jinhee couldn't do anything but continue her life with guilt and regret.

She's been trying to forget about Lee Know, but it won't work. Her parents are not helping even though they tried.

They've sent someone to date Jinhee so she will happy once again. But she rejected their request saying that she promised to love Lee Know more than anyone.

She spent from days to days, months to months, and years to years, with guilt and regret. Every time someone mentioned Lee Know's name, she will break into tears.

Every time she saw a Stray Kids member, she will feel guilt for making them lose their friend. Every time she saw Seonghwa or Lea, her body will full of anger.

6 years later, she's currently working in a company as the CEO as she's the next heir after her dad. Her life is been busy since then.

"Miss Jinhee, here are the files," Karina, Jinhee's assistant went into her office with the files. Jinhee, who was zoning out, shook her head to wake her up.

"Thank you, Karina. Do I have any meetings this week?" Jinhee asked after taking a sip of coffee. "Hm, no, you don't. But, I will update you if there are any changes," Karina asked while looking at her tablet. Jinhee sighed and nodded. "Okay, Thank you, Karina. You may leave," Karina nodded and left the office.

Jinhee leaned back, resting her head on the table. She lifts her head a little and stares at her ring. "It's been 6 years, Lee Know. Where have you been?" She said, a small smile forming on her face.

"I miss your teasings, your bunny smile, your whinings. Even though we only spent a week with each other," she said, as if she can communicate with Lee Know through her ring.

She's been wearing the ring for 6 years, she never forgets to wear it. It's like her lucky ring. Without the ring, she can't think of anything but to panic. That time when she realizes the ring went missing, she almost breaks everything in her room but found it under her bed.

The bracelet? She still keeps it in a box. Why? Let's just say she's afraid that it might break since it is made of rope. Ah yeas, she once scolded her 7 years cousin for wearing it without her permission.

Poor girl😔 You can say she's overprotective once people touch her stuff that is from Lee Know whether people got her permission or not, Nah, never touch those things.

Let's go back to the present. Jinhee continued her work until it was time to go home. "I'm home," she yelled and was greeted by her mother. Her mother was sitting in the living room, having some tea while watching the tv.

"Welcome home, sweety," her mother kissed her forehead. "Where's dad?" Jinhee asked, pouring tea onto her cup. "Ah, he's busy scrolling through his TikTok," Jinhee chuckled listening to her mother.

"He's so obsessed with that app. Look at him swaying his hips like Felix," the mother showed her the video of her father, dancing to 'Let's groove' (y'all know which one) Jinhee couldn't speak anything, she laughed at the video. "Slay dad!" Jinhee cheered for her dad, swaying a little fist in the air.

"Anyways, Jinhee," her mom called Jinhee after she took a sip of the tea her mother made. "Yes?" Jinhee replied. "I was thinking if you could find a partner. Ya know, you're turning 21 this year, I think you're ready to have a husband. I know you're still waiting for Lee Know, but it's been 6 years. We haven't seen him. If he's still alive, he might have his own wif-" Ms. Jeon got cut by her daughter.

"No! If there's someone who can own my heart is Lee Know. Only him! No one else!" Jinhee yelled and ran to her room. Her mother sighed at her daughter's behaviour.

She's worried that Lee Know never came back. The reason why she wanted Jinhee to marry is that she wanted to have a grandchild so bad. Even her husband wanted the same thing.

Meanwhile, Jinhee, in the other room buried her face in her pillow. She cried as loud as she could. She lifts her head, looking at Lee Know's framed photo in her drawer.

"Yah, you! When are you coming back?" She said while pointing to the photo. "Don't you think I look stupid for waiting for someone who has disappeared for nearly 6 years?" She said, taking the photo and hugging it.

"Please come back quick. Mom wanted me to marry soon. I haven't got a boyfriend, or anyone, I'm waiting for you. You better come home quick! or else I will choose another person," Jinhee talked and chuckled. "Lee Know, do you still love me?" She smiled in pain. Sudden negative thinking came into her mind.

What if he's dead? What if he is already married? What if he forgets about Jinhee?

Those thoughts are running through her thoughts. "Knock, knock," someone knocked on the door. "Jinhee? Are you there? Please open the door. I'm sorry about earlier,"

Jinhee POV

I was spacing out when my mom knocked on the door. She talked about it earlier and apologized. I walked to the door and opened it. "Jinhee, I'm sorry," my mom apologized once again. "It's okay mom," I hugged her.

Right Person, Wrong Time ~𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤~Where stories live. Discover now