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Jinhee POV

I was in my class when Lee Know came with a flower in his hands. "Good morning, shorty," he said, sitting down. I wanted to answer him, but I'm still mad at him for accusing Seonghwa of having another girl. So, I ignored him.

"I know you're mad at me, but this flower is not yours," He said, with a smile on his face. "Oh? So you have a girlfriend already? And I didn't ask you about the flower," I asked him and he smiled, then nodded with a yes. I don't know why but it hurts me when he said he had a girlfriend.

You know the feeling when another kid got a toy you've always wanted and you're not when you were 5 years old? That's the feeling I had right now. I'm jealous.

Wait, why should I be jealous? I have Seonghwa, I shouldn't be jealous if Lee Know got a girlfriend when I got a boyfriend. I sighed. "Congratulation!" That's the only thing I have on my mind. I forced a smile.

*skip at lunch*

"Seonghwa, have you heard of the party at Jay's house tomorrow night? Are you coming?" I asked Seonghwa who was smiling on his phone and not paying attention to me.

"Seonghwa? Seonghwa!" I shouted. He looks at me. "What? Yes, I mean no. I'm not coming. I have a family gathering tomorrow night," He said. "Oh, too bad. Tell your parents that I said hi," I said.

*Skip at tomorrow night*

I was getting ready when my mom knocked on the door. "Hey, sweetie," she said with a warm smile. I smiled back. "You look pretty tonight. Tell Seonghwa that I said hey," She said, my smile disappeared.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I sighed. "He's not coming tonight. He's having a family gathering," I explained. "Oh, too bad. I'm pretty sure Lee Know is coming," she said, helping me with my hair.

"He has a girlfriend. I can't interrupt him," I said, fake crying. She chuckled. "Stop being dramatic. You still have Lia, Yeji, Ryujin, Chaeryoung, and Yuna!" She said, hyping me up. "You're right!" I said excitedly.

"I believe you're ready, shall I drive you there?" She asks. I nodded, we went to the car and she sent me there.

•~At Jay's house~

We just arrived and I took off from the car. "Goodbye, Jinhee. Have fun tonight! Be careful, don't drink or do anything suspicious!" She said making me laugh.

"Yes, mom! See you later!" I said waving. She did the same and drove away. I got into Jay's door and got answered by him. "Oh, welcome Jinhee. Looking gorgeous tonight!" He said, sending compliments to me.

I chuckled. "Thank you, Jay!" I smiled. "Come in before the foods are finished. Istg these people couldn't stop eating," he said again making me laugh harder. "Okay," I said.

I went inside and look for someone I was familiar with. "Jinhee!" I heard, Yuna's voice calling my name. Then I saw the others. I waved at them and they do the same. I approach them. "I am so insecure right now," I pouted, making them all raise their eyebrows in confusion.

"What? Why?" Ryujin asked. "You all look gorgeous tonight, ugh, date me already," I rolled my eyes, and we all laughed. "Aren't we married?" Ryujin crossed her hands. We all laughed even harder. "Let's go!" I said, dragging them to the food.

Right Person, Wrong Time ~𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤~Where stories live. Discover now