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«Next day»

Jinhee POV

I was walking in the park. "Jinhee!" I saw Lee Know from the other side of the road. He waved at me and I waved back. He began to walk forward and there was a loud honk, honking. Lee Know looks at where it came from and there's a truck hitting him.

"LEE KNOW!" I screamed, widening my eyes while panting heavily. I look around and found myself in a room, if I'm not wrong I'm in a hospital. "It's just a dream," I said, rubbing my eyes.

The door burst open revealing my mom. "Jinhee! Are you okay?" She said, checking on me. "Thank goodness you're alright. I was so worried," she said hugging me.

I broke the hug. "Mum, what happened?" I asked. "Jay called me, saying you fainted, did you drink last night?" She said in a serious tone. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Then I remembered Lee Know. "Oh my Gosh, Lee Know! Mom! What happened to Lee Know? Is he okay?" I said worriedly. My mom lowered her head.

"I'm not sure. Lee Know's mom told me that he's in a bad condition. The risk of him surviving is low. He might... Left us early," Mom said.

I leaned back, my heart was crushed into a million pieces. "I'll bring your breakfast," my mom said, leaving me. I couldn't say anything or move a muscle.

My eyes burst into tears. I sobbed. "Lee Know... Why? Why did you push me? None of this will happened if you didn't push me," I said, crying in guilty.

On the next day, I can go home already. When we got there, I run straight to my room and jumped on my bed. I buried my face in my pillow and cried as loud as I could. Guilty is surrounding me. Is this even real? Please, this must be a dream.

Wake up, Jinhee, wake up! I cried the whole week. Day and night, till dawn. I can't even have a good sleep. I was hugging onto the Hello Kitty plush he got for me while busy scrolling through my gallery, watching the photos I took with Lee Know in New York.


I laughed when recalling the memories I've made with Lee Know, tears still coming out because I regret it. I regretted not believing him and letting Seonghwa use me while he was trying to protect me.

How did I not realize that he was showing his love since we went to New York? Only if I believe him earlier. Only if I rejected Seonghwa that day. I heard a knock on my door. I quickly turn off my phone and pretend that I'm sleeping.

"Jinhee, I know you're still awake. I could hear your sobbings just know," my dad came. I turned around and saw both my parents. "Aww Jinhee," they approach me and hugged me.

"We know it's hard for you. But you can't deny it. Just accept fate. You can't control someone's deat- I mean, disappearance," my dad said. I cried silently.

"Dad? Seonghwa... He used me. He never loves me. He only loves me for money, not for other things," I sobbed a little.

They were shocked. But they tried to comfort me. "Shh, calm down. We'll handle him later. Your health problem is more important now. Please take care of yourself," my dad patted my head, I nodded. They went out of my room and I dozed off.

Right Person, Wrong Time ~𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤~Where stories live. Discover now