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Jinhee POV

It's our 3rd day in New York City. I woke up by the alarm clock on my phone. I opened my eyes, revealing Lee Know staring at me while sitting on his bed.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked, he looks away. Nothing was his answer. "It's 7 am. Ms. Kim told us to get ready before 8. Have you showered?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Then, do you expect me to shower you? Or are we showering together? Pfft grow up Lee Know," I jokingly asked. "Sure," he said in a whisper tone, biting his lower lip. "What was that? Did you just say sure? Go shower you pervert!" I pushed him to the bathroom.

After a few minutes, he came out. It's my turn, I walked to the bathroom without taking a glance at him. I took a quick shower, do my hair, and get out.

"Let's go," I said, grabbing my bag and my phone. Lee Know waited at the door. When I go outside, we went to the lobby, where Ms. Kim asked us to wait for her. I was scrolling through my Instagram while Lee Know went to hang out with his friends. "Boo!" Ryujin surprised me. I smiled. "Why are you not with him?" She asked.

"Dude, I need a break from him. He just asked me to go shower with him this morning," I accidentally told them that, I covered my mouth. "WHAT? THAT LITTLE-" Yeji was about to go to him, but I pulled her. "Calm down, Yeji. You know he's a playful boy," I said. Yeji calms down. "Good thing you're here to stop me. If not, he must have a handprint on his left cheek," Yeji said, smirking.

"Students, go to your class teachers," Ms. Lee called us. I went to Ms. Kim. "Okay, good morning students. Today, we're going to the museum and I hope you will behave. Please don't break anything or cause trouble. Jinhee, Lee Know, no fighting," She said, looking at me and Lee Know. Both of us nodded our heads. "So, all of us are here? Then, let's go!" We went on our bus and go to the museum.

•~At the museum~

We went into the museum, and all of us are amazed at the displays. I took pictures of them, like always. Then, a flash hit my eyes. "Woah, that's bright," I said to myself and look where it came from. It came from a figure I recognize, Lee Know? When did he buy a camera?

"Looks like you have an interest in taking pictures," I teased him when he approached me. "Shut up, it's your fault I'm addicted to taking pictures," He looked away. I chuckled, pointing my camera at him. "Lee Know, let's exchange camera direction. You point yours to me, and I will point mine to you," He does as I say. "Ready?" He nodded. "1 2 3," we said in sync.

By Jinhee:

(This is Mark of NCT, I can't find Lee Know holding a camera like this T-T

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(This is Mark of NCT, I can't find Lee Know holding a camera like this T-T. Source:Pinterest)

By Lee Know:

(Just imagine the background is the museum

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(Just imagine the background is the museum. Source: Pinterest)

It came out well. I like it. "I look gorgeous!" I said. "Pfft, funny," he responds. I glared at him. "Can't you just agree that I'm more gorgeous than you?" I said in a sassy tone. "No. Because I'm more gorgeous than you. Even Han is more attracted to me than you," He flipped his hair.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and leave him. "Okay, okay. You're more gorgeous than me," He said, pulling my hands. "Let me go! I want to go there!" I was trying to get off his hands off mine. "Oh, sorry," He let go of my hands.

I went to one of the interesting paintings, followed by him. Everywhere I go, there will always be him on my side. "Ugh, what do you want? Why are you following me?" I asked him in an annoyed tone. "Uhh," he scratched his back neck.

Lee Know POV

Should I ask her? What if she doesn't want to join me? "Uhh," I scratched my back neck. "Wanna go to the movies tonight?" I smiled like :]. "Are you asking me out?" She raised her eyebrows. "What? Pfft, don't be ridiculous. Of course not," I chuckled nervously. "Cool, yeah sure," she answers and leaves. I hopped around in excitement.


"Lee Know, slow down!" She said as I pulled her while running to the cinema. "C'mon then! The movie starts at any minute, I'm not going to miss any scenes!" I complained. Moments later, we arrived there. We bought some popcorn and drinks. Then, we went to find our seats.

It's still the commercials playing. "What genre of movie are we watching?" "Horror," I said. Without even looking, I can feel her glaring at me. "Are you scared?" I asked and she shook her head. "No," she looked away. I focused my sight on the big screen. The movie is starting. "Jinhee, look, it's starting!" I said and she looked at the big screen.

It's only the beginning, the movie already is scary. Jumpscares in every scene. I went to check on Jinhee, she was covering her eyes. "Didn't you just say that you are not scared," I asked. She hit my arm. "Shut up, and I'm not a horror-type person," She continues to cover her eyes. I chuckled and continue to watch the movies.

*Skip after the movie ends, at the hotel*

"Did you have fun tonight?" I asked her. She looks like she's not in the mood. "No! It's scary, why would he murder a baby?" She answers, fake crying. "Pfft, it's just a movie," I said. "But it's based on a true story!" She yelled, plopping onto her bed. "Nah, go to sleep already," I said, covering myself with the blanket.

I turned my body, facing the wall, still think what just happened earlier.


The murderer went inside the living room. He was looking for his next victim. When he looks back, a hideous creature showed up, making most of the audience scream in shock. At that time, Jinhee grabbed my hand and hold it. I look at her. Lmao, she's scared. But, her hands, it's soft. My heart fluttered and I'm blushing hard. I tried to continue watching the movie without letting her hand go.

~End of flashback~

I was thinking about it, kicking my legs on the bed and burying my face in the pillow. "What the hell are you doing?" A voice spoke up. I look at Jinhee, she was looking at me with a weird look. "Are you watching a K-drama or something?" She asked. "No, nothing. Why are you still awake? Go to sleep," I said, embarrassed. "Good night, weirdo," she said. "Good night," I said back and both of us went to sleep.

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