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Lee Know POV

"Ayo, wanna hang out tonight?" Jinhee hopped off her bed. The teachers told us we can go wherever we want but we have to be back before 8 pm. "Is it just you and me?" I asked.

"I don't know. Wanna call them over?" She asked. I shook my head. "No need. I'm pretty sure they don't want to come. Besides, you won't stand the chaos they made," I made an excuse.

"Oh, well their chaos is what makes me happy, but yeah, I think I need a break from them," She agreed. "Okay! Get ready," I said. She ran to her bag to find some clothes and go to the bathroom. She came out gorgeous.

Sh grabbed her socks and wearing them. "Let's go?" She stood in front of the door. "Sure," I said, going out followed by her.

When we went outside, we walked off the street, it was a calm silence. We were enjoying the environment in our way. Then we walked past an arcade. "Lee Know, why don't we try those games in the arcade?" Jinhee suggested. "Okay!" I agreed and we ran there.

"Let's make a bet. If I scored the most I will have a piggyback on the way back to the hotel," She said. "And if I scored more than you?" I asked. "Hmm, you will... Uhh, what do you want?" She asked. I chuckled. "I want a matching ring with you!" I answered her. She blinked her eyes.

"You got to be kidding me. More matching stuff? These bracelets are not enough?" She asked, holding my hand and pointing at the bracelet that was given by the principal a week ago. "Just this time, I never felt a sister love," I made an excuse and fiddled with my fingers.

"Sister love?" She stared at me. "I'm the only child, I never feel a sibling love," I explained. She held my hand. "Deal," she handed out her other hand. I did the same and we shook our hands. Then, we began.

The first game we played was basketball. I scored more in this game. "it's not fair, you're taller than me!" She whined. "Whatever, shorty," I patted her head. "Stop calling me shorty!" She tried to slap my hand, but I dodged it. I saw the shooting game.

"Wanna try that?" She grumpily walked there. I chuckled. We played it. I didn't know I was bad at this game. I always missed the target. In conclusion, Jinhee scored more than me. "HAHA, you're bad at this game," she happily teased me. I rolled my eyes.

I look for more games and saw the claw machine. That's the hardest game in my life. "Hey, how about the last game. Let's try the claw machine," I took a glance at her. "You bet," we went to it, insert our tokens and start trying to get the items we want. It took almost 5 minutes and both of us got 1 item each. I got a hello kitty plushie...

While Jinhee got a bunny plushie

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While Jinhee got a bunny plushie...

"Haha, yours is cute! Here take mine, I got it for you because you look like a bunny," she said giving me the bunny plushie

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"Haha, yours is cute! Here take mine, I got it for you because you look like a bunny," she said giving me the bunny plushie. I got the Hello Kitty plushie for her tho... Is this a fate?

heheheh pull it together Lee Know! "Oh? And I got this for you!" I gave it to Jinhee. "Really? Thank you!" She took it and hug it. "I guess it's a tie. Let's go back to the hotel," I said. She nodded and we got out of the arcade.

I went down on her level and show her my back. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Piggyback," I said. "Do you mean it?"

"Hurry up before I changed my mind," without hesitation, she hopped into my back, and I lift her. "Let's go!" She pointed forward like a pirate who found his ship. I walked forward slowly.

I was walking silently

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I was walking silently. "Oh? Lee Know, stop here," Jinhee said. I stopped and look at where we stopped. A ring workshop? "Are we getting a matching ring?" She nodded. And we got in.

"Welcome! How can I help you?" The owner greets us. "We would like a matching ring," The owner smiled and took out a box. "This?"

I and Jinhee look at each other and smile. "Yes," I answered. "That was fast," the owner took the rings to the counter. I paid for it and the owner handed me the box. I opened it and put it on Jinhee's finger. Jinhee did the same thing to me.

(Source: Pinterest)

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(Source: Pinterest)

We smiled and left the store. "Thanks, come again. And Mr? Take care of her, treasure her. She's a good one for you," the owner said, patting my shoulder.

I nodded and somehow, blushed. "Why are you so red?" Jinhee asked. "Nothing, do you still want a piggyback or just walk," I said. She chose to walk and we went back to the hotel.

•~At the hotel~•

"Jinhee, Lee Know. It's already late. Tomorrow we will go to visit some places, go to sleep," ms. Kim said as she saw us passing her room. Both of us bowed and went to our room.

"It's only 7 pm, what? Anyways, today was fun, right Lee Know?" She asked as I opened the door. I nodded. "Let's go to sleep," I said, I plopped onto my bed. "I'm gonna change first," she went to the bathroom and I dozed off.

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