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Next morning

Still Jinhee's POV

I woke up and get ready. I'm not going to my workplace today because I have plans with Kyung-sik. I don't know what to wear.

After a long time of thinking, I decided to wear simple clothes, lol. Too lazy to iron them. I walk past the living room to the door.

"Where are you going, Jinhee? You're not working today?" My dad asked. "Nope, I have plans with Kyung-sik today," I answered with a smile.

"Ah, I see you're slowly getting close to Kyung-sik. Keep on doing that," My mum responded out of nowhere. "Yes, mom," I said, picking up my sneakers and putting them on.

When I wore my sneakers, a loud horn could be heard. "Oh, that must be him. Right on time. Bye, mom and dad," I waved at them and they do the same.

I went outside and saw Kyung-sik's car. He waved at me. I rolled my eyes and went to his car. "Hi," He greeted. "Where are we going?" I asked, ignoring his hi.

"Chill, don't be in a rush. I know you're excited to see your wedding dress. Let's have something to eat first, some shopping, maybe watching a movie, or-" I cut his words. "Time is ticking. And watching a movie in the early morning is no fun," I pointed at my wrist.

"Yeah, it's still morning but okay. Moving on!" He started his car and drove to the first place. Such a fancy place. "Wow, beautiful," I commented.

Kyung-sik chuckled. We went in and start to order some food for breakfast.

~Skip to the afternoon, when they're choosing a wedding dress~

"Oh my God, Jinhee! I think this suits you so much," he exclaimed. His voice was so loud that the whole boutique could hear him. "You're being too loud, quite a bit," I whispered.

"Oops, sorry," he whispered back while covering his mouth. I rolled my eyes. "How much longer are we going to be here?" I whined. "Relax, we haven't chosen any dress," Kyung-sik patted my head.

I slap his hand. "Don't dare to touch me or else I'll tell Lee Kn-" Before I finish my words. "Hmph, no no no. Try not to mention that brunette's name again. You're mine, not his," he put his index finger on my mouth.

I turn my head and scoff. "YoU'rE MiNe. You don't even know my favourite colour," I said. "What do you mean I don't know your favourite colour? Of course, I do," Kyung-sik stared.

"Okay, then why are you choosing a purple dress when I like the colour yellow?" I asked, looking at Kyung-sik who was holding a purple dress.

"Uhh, no no. I was just looking at it. Ooo, it's so fluffy," he answered while rubbing the rough glittery dress on his face. "'FLufFy'," I rolled my eyes. "Snap out of it and hurry up," I hit his head.

"Ow, okay, okay," he said, rubbing his head. I no longer, get a notification. I went to check on it. It's Lee Know:D

Lee Know>:]


Oh my God
Finally, you texted
I can't hold this guy anymore
He didn't even know my favourite colour🙄

Right Person, Wrong Time ~𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤~Where stories live. Discover now