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Author POV

"Babe?" Minho froze. "But Jinhee, you hate Kyung-sik so much," Lee Know furrowed his brows. "What? Who's this Kyung-sik? Don't be ridiculous. His name is Lee Know, my fiance," Jinhee glared at him. Somehow, she got the butterflies when staring at Lee Know.

Lee Know was taken aback by Jinhee's words. "How are you sure that he's Lee Know?" Lee Know asked. "He told me. Now leave!" Jinhee pointed to the door.

Lee Know was sad, he knew that Kyung-sik lied to Jinhee. But poor Jinhee believed Kyung-sik. Minho left the room with a disappointed face.

There he met Jinhee's parents. "Oh, it's you. Have Jinhee awakened?" Jugyeong asked. Lee Know nodded his head. "Did she recognize you?" Jae-in asked.

Lee Know shook his head. "She thought Kyung-sik was her fiance and that Kyung-sik's name is Lee Know. But they haven't got engaged, right?" Lee Know asked. Jugyeong and Jae-in look at each other.

"That's great! Now she has forgotten about you. It will be easier to continue their marriage," Jugyeong smiled. Lee Know was shocked to hear Jugyeong's words. Jae-in nudged Jugyeong's elbow. Jugyeong looked at her husband confused.

"Oh, uh, I should go," Lee Know left them with sadness filling in his whole body. All his memories with Jinhee have been forgotten by her. There's no way for her to love him back like she used to.

~Lee Know's Home~

Lee Know just got home from the hospital. "Lee Know! How was Jinhee is she doing well?" His mom asked. Lee Know smiled. "Yes, she is doing well. But," His Smile disappeared and his mother was worried.

"But what?" She asked again. "She lost her memories and forgot about me. Assuming Kyung-sik as her fiancé. She thought Kyung-sik was me," He dropped to his knees. Furrowing his eyebrows, tears bursting, little sobs came out.

His mother felt sad hearing the news...


"Well played mom and dad, well played" - Lee Know in part 4

Lee know just came home. "Mom, dad, I got something!" He yelled. "You should not yell like that!" His dad scolded playfully. "Sorry, dad," he chuckled. "What you got there?" His mom came out from the kitchen. "Well, my school is having a trip to New York and I'm wondering if I could join them?' He asked.

"Is my friend's daughter going?" His dad wiggled his eyebrow. "Who? Jinhee?" Lee Know asked blankly. His dad nodded teasingly. "I don't like her!" He exclaimed. "No one said you liked her, Minho!" His mother laughed. Lee Know cover his face disappointed in his playful parents.

"Weren't you the one who told us about Jinhee? What was the reason you shared about Jinhee with us?" The mother wiggled her eyebrows. Lee Know sighed. "I guess?" He answered. "Sure," his dad replied. Lee Know jumped in joy running towards his room.

"Oh? Jugyeong texted me!" Mrs Lee told her husband. "What did she say?" The husband asked. "She was wondering if we know any student from her daughter's class," Mrs Lee explained. They looked at each other and smiled. Mrs Lee started to type something on her phone.

~End of flashback~

~ a Few weeks after Jinhee's treatment in the hospital~

Right Person, Wrong Time ~𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤~Where stories live. Discover now