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Jinhee POV

I was in my room, scrolling through my phone. "I'm bored," I said, looking at the ceiling. I opened my phone and call someone.

"Ring ring" (ring ring ring ring boomerang)

"Hello, Jinhee? What's wrong?" Yeji's voice could be heard from the phone. "Are you free tonight?" I asked. "Um no, I'm expensive tonight," Yeji said, making me pout.

"Hey! I'm not playing around!" I whined. She laughed. "Okay okay, our manager told us that we don't have any recordings tonight so, yeah I'm free tonight. Any plans?" She asked. "I'm thinking if we could hang out tonight with the girls," I tell her.

She went silent for a while. Hmm was her only answer. "Okay!" She shouted. "Alright! I'm picking you up, see ya!" We say goodbyes and end the call.

I went to my closet and pick my outfit. After I put on some light makeup, I went to say goodbye to my parents.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going out with ITZY, okay? Do you need anything?" I said, putting on my sneakers.

"Okay, no, I don't need anything. Take care and have fun!" My mum waved and I did the same. Then, I went to my car and drove away. I went to Yeji's house and the other's house.

•~At the mall~•

"Everyone, we're here!" I said after I parked my car. They cheered and went out of my car. "Let's go shopping!" Lia said pulling Ryujin. We chuckled at her behaviour and went inside the mall.

We brought many shirts, sweaters, hoodies, etc. We also brought ourselves rings. "Anyone tired? Wanna grab a drink?" I asked them and they nodded. We went to the cafe nearby.

We took our seats and put down all our shopping bags. Ryujin pants. "Hah! It's so tiring yet fun! We should do this at least once a week!" She said. "Yeah only If we had a free time," Yeji and Lia shouted. I chuckled. "Let's order our drinks. What do you want?" I asked them.

They nodded and tell me their orders. I told the waiter our orders and after that, she went away. We didn't do anything much after that. Just talking about our recent life.

"Special drinks for ITZY and their friend, may I take a picture with you? I'm a big fan!" a guy came with our drinks. We thanked him and he left. We continue to talk about earlier. "And she was- ouch!" I was talking to Lia when someone accidentally bumped into my hand making my drink spill.

"Aigo, I'm sorry, miss!" He said while handing me a napkin from the other table. At the same time, I saw a familiar ring.

"Lee Know?" I whispered. I look at him but I can't see his face clearly since he was wearing a mask and a cap. "It's okay, please be careful next time," I said. He bowed and left.

That ring. I look at my back to see him once again. "Guys, I need to go to the restroom quick!" I quickly stand up and try to follow him.

"Hey wait!" I shouted running to him. But in one second he disappeared. Huh was the only thing that came out of my mouth. I was confused. I turned around to look for him and still couldn't find him.

Is this real? Is that him? He was alive? Why didn't he tell me that he was okay?

Questions went through my head. I went back to the girls. They look at me confused because I went in the opposite direction of the toilet. I explained everything.

Right Person, Wrong Time ~𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤~Where stories live. Discover now