Twenty Five

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our youth holds the most precious memories of our life

it's when happiness radiates and keep us alive form within

it's when sadness feels like drenching in the rain

that we rather enjoy than grieve

because back then,

we didn't know anything

we're just questions trying to find their  answers

it's when we had a lot of first times

first love, first heart breaks

it's when dreaming is easy

like we can touch the stars with our feet on the ground

back then we had a lot of things we don't understand

but our hearts are filled with hope and love

youth is beautiful

that's the reason why it passes away in the blink of an eye

it teaches us that everything is momentary

and we can be sad about it

we can wish to go back in that exact moment where we feel the most alive

we can dream about its beauty again and again

how it made us feel

and how it mold us to be the person we become

but the most important thing is

we enjoyed it while it lasts

-/twenty one

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