Chapter Six; All This Time

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After Ryan brought their coffees and they all talked for a bit longer, he got a call and had to leave. Janelle pulled out her wallet and tried to pay him back for the coffees, but he wouldn't let her.

After they said goodbye to him, he began to walk away from the table, and Abby gave Janelle a look.

"Don't let him get away." She whispered.

Janelle thought for a moment, looking up at Ryan, who had just opened the door.

She bit her lip, every ounce of her screaming, telling her not to do what she was about to do.

But she did it anyway.

"Ryan?" She called.

Ryan looked over at her curiously, and she stood, walking over. Her heart began to pound as she approached him, looking down at her feet.

"Um...I was wondering.." she mumbled.

She bit her lip, looking up at him.

What the hell was she doing? She didn't want to do this.

She swallowed. "I was wondering...if you'd let me pay for the coffees." She quickly came up with something else, causing Abby to facepalm over at their table.

Ryan smiled, shaking his head. "It's really fine, Janelle." He Said, before waving at her. "See you later."

"See you later." She smiled at him, before he stepped out of the coffee shop.

See you later? She wondered to herself. Surely she'd never see him again. She'd already run into him a second time, and that was pretty lucky as it was.

She walked back over to their table, where Abby practically glared at her.

"What the fuck was that?" She Asked.

"I wasn't going to ask for his number." Janelle mumbled.

"Janelle! Get it through your thick skull, girl!" Abby Said, sighing. "There's a single guy who's like, super sweet, and you just let him go!"

"I don't want a relationship right now." Janelle shook her head. "Besides, he could be a criminal for all we know."

"Then he's the nicest criminal I've ever met." Abby mumbled.

Janelle rolled her eyes. "It makes sense that a criminal would pretend to be nice to get what he wants from you."

"Now you're just dreaming stuff up." Abby Said.

"Am not!" Janelle whined.

Now She was beginning to feel more childish than Abby.

"Fine, then why don't we Google him?" Abby Asked, pulling her phone out of her teal hoodie pocket.

"Google won't tell you if someone's a criminal." Janelle scoffed.

"If there are police records, it will." Abby googled the name 'Ryan Tedder,' and Janelle sighed.

"You're so stubborn."

"What?" Abby Asked, a perplexed look on her face.

"I Said You're so stubborn." Janelle repeated annoyedly.

"No, not that." Abby Said, before showing her a picture on her phone. "That's him, right?"

Janelle looked closely at the picture, taking it in. The green eyes, the dirty blonde hair. It was definitely him.

"Yeah." Janelle nodded. "Looks like him."

Abby turned her phone back, reading off the page.

"This Ryan is a musician." She Said.

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