Chapter Ten; Didn't I

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That night, when Janelle went home, she toed off her high heels at the door, before throwing herself down on the couch, a soft sigh escaping her red lipstick-stained lips.

She couldn't believe how kind Ryan was being to her. Out of all the men she had met, he was definitely the kindest she had ever come across.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, gazing at the lock screen as she thought for a moment. Perhaps he would text her. Then again, why was she waiting for him to do so? He probably wouldn't. He was a musician, and he had a busy life, full of other people he'd need to be texting. Why would he take time out of his busy schedule just to talk to some broke waitress?

Janelle set her phone down, sighing a little and laying her head back. She ran her hand through her hair, pulling out the hair tie that held her dark tresses in a messy bun. She shut her eyes, letting her mind wander.

She had many things she should be doing; Cleaning or doing the laundry, for example, but she didn't quite feel like doing anything like that. Despite the coffee, and the kindness from a stranger, she was still exhausted, sore, and lonely. All she felt like doing at the time was sleep, although part of her knew she probably wouldn't be getting much that night, not with all that she had on her mind.

Interrupting her thoughts suddenly, she heard the loud sound of her ringtone playing the intro to The Wallflowers' 'Misfits And Lovers.'

She sat up, her thoughts rushing around in her mind. Maybe it was Ryan, she thought for a split second, but she shook off the idea. He wouldn't just call out of the blue like that.

She picked up her phone, smiling to herself as she answered the call.

"Hey, Abby." She Said, sitting back again and running her hand through her dark hair.

Abby scoffed. "Don't 'Hey Abby' Me." She grumbled. "You haven't called me in two days."

Janelle bit her lip. "Oops...sorry, Abby."

"I was worried. You have to update me, you know." She carried on.

Janelle nodded, looking up at the ceiling. "I know," she said, before sighing happily. "I was just a little busy.."

Abby stopped. "Was that a happy sigh?"

Janelle smirked. "Maybe."

"Janelle, don't do that to me!" Abby whined. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Janelle laughed. "Am I not allowed to be happy?"

"Since when are you happy?" Abby Asked.

"Hey." Janelle Said in a warning tone.

"Just speaking the truth." Abby Replied defensively. "But really, you know I'm dying to know why you, Janelle Montgomery, are sighing happily."

Janelle bit her lip, sinking into the couch a bit. "Do you remember Ryan?" She Asked quietly.

"Of course I do." Abby Said.

"Well...he's been bringing me coffee every day." Janelle Said, a small smile on her lips.

"At work?" Abby Asked.


"Aww...that's actually really sweet." Abby Said. "Have you gotten to talk to him, then?"

"Today I did." Janelle answered Abby's question. "I got to thank him. Also, he might've asked for my number.."

Janelle could practically hear Abby smile through the phone. "Yes! Finally!" She cheered. "Now you guys can talk, and maybe you can ask him out.."

"Abby, Stop.." Janelle chuckled awkwardly. "We're not even friends."

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