Chapter Thirty-Five; Goodbye, Apathy

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After Ryan had cooked dinner, which, after Abby had suggested he make, was spaghetti, the four of them sat at the counter as they ate, Janelle on one end, with Ryan beside her, and Kenneth on the other end, beside his fiancé. Janelle listened intently as Ryan spoke, telling stories about his band, after Abby had asked him to. After he finished his sentence, he lifted his fork, taking a bite of his spaghetti.

" did you meet your band?" Kenneth Asked, Which, of course, surprised Janelle, since he didn't seem to be much of a talker.

"Well," Ryan mumbled, before swallowing his food. "Zach, our guitarist, and I both played soccer in school. I met the others when I moved to Colorado."

"How did you get your band name?" Abby chimed in, causing Ryan to let out a small chuckle.

"Well, we were going to be called Republic, but added the 'One' when I googled 'Republic' and decided that we'd never be more popular than the Republic of China." He stated, earning a couple of laughs from everyone.

Abby took another bite of her food, before looking back at Ryan, who was doing the same. "But really, what's it like being a celebrity and all?" She Asked. "Is it hard?"

Ryan shrugged. "Actually, the band can go out and we don't even get recognised." He said. "It's kind of nice, honestly, not to have people following us everywhere. Only our fan base really notices us."

Janelle took a bite of her spaghetti, continuing to listen to Ryan as she thought to herself. She was beginning to wonder if all of this was really a smart idea, moving into a celebrity's house. Of course he had been incredibly kind to her since they met, so it didn't seem like he was just doing it out of pity at this point, at least she knew that. Yet, something still caused her to feel like she'd be a burden to him.

Although she wanted to just forget about her worries for the rest of the day, she knew that, in the coming weeks, she'd have to search tirelessly for a job, and at least earn enough money so she could rent a new apartment. She knew it would be stressful, and even if she hated the thought, she'd have to depend on her friends, at least for mental stability during that time.

She let out a soft sigh, before looking up at Abby, who was beginning to speak to not only Ryan, but her as well.

"Oh, we've been planning for the wedding!" She Exclaimed, and Janelle bit her lip.

"Haven't you already?" She Asked curiously. She could've sworn that they had already finished planning, considering that the wedding was so soon.

Kenneth let out a small chuckle, looking at his fiancé amusedly. "She still hasn't picked out her dress."

Abby's cheeks flushed. "I want it to be perfect." She mumbled. "Janelle, I'd love for you to help me pick it out."

Janelle nodded. "Of course." She Said. "When?"

"Well, I was thinking sometime in the next couple of days." She Said. "I mean, since the wedding is next week and all.."

Janelle's eyes widened. "Shit!" She hissed, causing everyone to look at her questioningly. "I forgot that it was so soon.." she muttered embarrassedly, reaching up and rubbing her temple.

"Jeez, it's not that big of deal." Abby Said, before laughing a little.

Janelle looked up at her friend, raising her eyebrows. "Yes it is." She muttered. "I shouldn't have forgotten."

"I understand, though," Abby Said, taking her last bite of spaghetti. "With all that's happened this month.." she trailed off, and everyone looked down, becoming quiet.

Janelle began to wish Abby hadn't said that; bringing any of that up would of course put a damper on any conversation, especially since they were all trying to forget.

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