Chapter Twenty-Two; Sucker Punch

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That night, Janelle laid on the couch in her friend's apartment, staring at the ceiling. Her face was tear stained, and her eyes were glossy, tears threatening to fall at the first thought of what had just happened only hours ago. Her phone, which was now on silent after blowing up with texts and calls from Joshua, she held loosely in her hand, trying to decide if she should call him back.

She didn't know what she wanted anymore. All she knew was that she wanted to feel loved. She wanted someone to hold her tightly as she cried for the man that she thought was the only person who loved her. She thought he had changed. She should've listened to everyone, she should've listened to Abby.

Yet, part of her still wanted to give him another chance. Who else on this earth could love her like he did? Sure, he wasn't perfect, but she believed that she didn't deserve anything better than that.

She shut her eyes, the sad truth coming coming back to her.

Joshua cheated on me again. He cheated.

A few tears streamed down her face, and she let out a gentle sob, hugging the blanket that she was using to her chest.

She felt so alone. Sure, she had Abby, but that was different. She needed someone, someone who would truly love her and be faithful to her. It seemed as if she was destined to be with someone like Joshua, someone who didn't care at all; and it broke her heart. She just wanted to be wanted. She wanted to be loved, for once in her life. Was that so much to ask?

Ryan woke up the very next afternoon at about three-thirty with a pounding headache, making him wish he hadn't had a few more drinks last night after what Abby had told him. As he laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, last nights events came back to him, causing him to remember how much he really, really hated Joshua.

Another thing he remembered was that he should be going over to Abby's to see Janelle. He quickly jumped out of bed, making his way over to his closet and opening it up, eventually deciding to wear black jeans and white T-shirt like usual.

He undressed as fast as he could, before slipping on the new, clean clothes. He went over to the mirror, brushing his hair and making sure it looked how he liked it, before leaving his bedroom, heading out into the kitchen.

Although he knew he desperately needed it, he'd skip coffee today. Maybe Abby would let him have some at her apartment.

He went over to the door and grabbed his leather jacket, which hung right beside it on a hook, and put it on before leaning down to slip on his favourite black boots. As he finished lacing them up, he heard his phone's notification ringtone in the other room.

Right, my phone, he thought to himself. He would've left it behind if not for hearing it.

He went back into the kitchen, picking up his phone from the counter and turning it on. Seeing that it was a text from Abby, he quickly read it.

Change of plans; Janelle went to work. I guess she decided to work the lunch shift.

He bit his lip, typing a response to her. He'd just have to go to the restaurant instead, no big deal.

I'll head to the restaurant, then. Thanks for the heads up.

He shut off his phone after sending the message, slipping it in the pocket of his leather jacket. He made his way over to the door, unlocking and opening it, before heading outside. He went over to his car, opening up the door and getting in.

Wincing a little as the bright sun made his head throb, he reached over to grab his sunglasses from the centre console, slipping them on his face. He ran his hand through his hair, starting up the vehicle and pulling away from his house.

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