Chapter Fifteen; What You Wanted

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The very next day, Joshua Evans walked through an empty house, a young expecting couple following him.

"As you can see, the bedroom has been renovated recently." He gave them a charming smile as they stepped into the master bedroom, moving his leg so it covered a large stain on the wall behind him.

"It's a beautiful home." The woman said, looking up at her husband. "But, one thing.."

"Anything." Joshua nodded, paying close attention to what the woman had to say.

"Is it a safe neighbourhood?" She Asked.

Was it safe? No. It had one of the highest crime rates in the area. But Joshua couldn't tell them that. Then, he wouldn't make a sale, and therefore, he wouldn't be paid. He depended on his lying skills to convince people to buy these homes; which was exactly why he was at the top in the realtor company. People looked up to him, he had an image to keep. If he told these people the truth, he would no longer be respected. Respect was what he craved. He wanted them to at least think he had it all together.

So, when it came time to answer this woman's question, he put on a convincing smile, looking her straight in the eyes. "Yes, its a very safe neighbourhood." He nodded. "A great place to raise a family."

The woman sighed in relief, looking up at her husband.

"Babe, do you wanna do it?" She Asked, and he smiled at her.

"Whatever you think." He said. "I think we should go for it."

The woman looked back at Joshua. "We'll take your word for it," she smiled. "I think We'll buy it."

Joshua's smile got a bit wider. "Perfect." He said. "Let's just go sign some papers."

Meanwhile, as her boyfriend helped the young couple sign on the house, Janelle was cleaning the dining room, yet again. It seemed as though the floor was always dirty; she never quite got a break from mopping this room. Although, it sure did beat waiting tables, for sure. She had to walk less, and best of all, she didn't have to interact with rude people.

Although she was less tired, she really was beginning to miss Ryan's pity coffees. He always had brought them at the perfect time of day, just in time to give her enough energy to work for about six more hours.

She knew it wouldn't last, though. She was right about those things, usually. It seemed as though the only guy who really wanted to stay in her life anymore was Joshua, which she was thankful for. She knew she was lucky to have him, even if he got a little angry at times.

It was only the stress; he worked full-time as a realtor, and he used all his energy in a day to sell houses to people. Janelle knew that if she had the same job, the situation would be switched and she'd be a bit moody, too.

For some reason, though, a little voice in the back of her mind told her that she was only making excuses for him at this point; but she refused to listen to it. In fact, she never listened to that voice, be it conscience, or greed. She was in a perfectly fine relationship, and she wasn't missing out on anything that small voice told her she needed.

She wanted Joshua. He was all she needed.

As Janelle finished up her mopping, she decided to begin washing the windows, something that hadn't been done for a few weeks, and it hadn't even been done by her. She grabbed a sponge, making her way over to the window closest to the door and beginning to scrub it.

Just as she started, she heard her phone ding in her pocket.

She sighed a little, looking around a little as she pulled it out of her pocket. Employees weren't supposed to use phones while working, but Janelle always kept hers in her pocket in case of emergency. It wasn't like she was a teenager, talking to other teenage friends and using Snapchat filters or something.

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