Chapter Fourteen; Rescue Me

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Abby was out for her daily afternoon jog, playing some metal music in her earbuds to let out some of her anger.

She was still seething over yesterday. She thought Janelle was being foolish, stupid, even, and she didn't feel any remorse for leaving her at the coffee shop; she very much deserved it, in Abby's opinion. She had told her time and time again how Joshua was bad news, and just when she thought it was finally over, Janelle was back with him again.

As she jogged down the sidewalk rather angrily, she happened to see someone in front of her that looked somewhat familiar. She had seen him before, but she just didn't know where.

She pulled out her earbuds As she scanned him with her brown eyes. She realised who it was, at least when she saw his hair.

It was the guy from the coffee shop, Ryan.

She began to jog a little faster, hoping she could catch up to him.

She wouldn't mind saying hi, considering that he had been very friendly when she first met him. Plus, it wasn't every day that she ran into a celebrity, much less twice in only the span of a month.

He seemed to notice that she was behind him, because he seemed to get a little faster. She furrowed her eyebrows, beginning to pick up her pace as well. She tried to catch up with him, but it was rather hard; he was definitely fit, considering that he was a very fast jogger.

He suddenly turned, beginning to head down another street, and Abby huffed, reaching up her hand to run it through her hair. "Damn it, Ryan.." She Said in an exasperated tone, before continuing to follow him.

This time, she no longer jogged; She was at a full run, hoping that she could finally catch up to him.

Just as she began to reach his side, he abruptly stopped, turning around. She accidentally crashed into him, her head colliding with his chest at full force.

"Ow!" She cried out, rubbing her head with her hand.

"What do you want?" He asked, backing up from her, seemingly unfazed by being run into. "Why are you following me?"

"Ryan, it's me." She looked up at him, and it seemed to take him a moment to see who it was. When he did finally remember, a look of realisation hit his face.

"Oh, Abby.." he mumbled. "I'm sorry."

She shrugged, rubbing her tender head again. "It's fine." She Said. "How're you?"

"Oh, I'm okay." He smiled at her, taking off his sunglasses. "How are you?"

Abby shrugged again. "I'm alright."

He seemed to hesitate, but he then asked, "And Janelle?"

Abby so desperately wanted to blurt out everything that was currently going on, but she decided to just keep it simple.

"She's back with her asshole ex." She mumbled, causing Ryan to look at her quizzically. "He cheated on her about two months ago, and now she's decided to go crawling back to him."

Ryan looked down, biting his lower lip. "That's a shame." He said quietly.

"I know.." Abby sighed. "I tried telling her, but she won't listen. Honestly, I think she just feels safe 'cause he's all she knows. I just wish.." Abby trailed off, before her eyes widened a little.

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