Chapter Thirty-One; Burning Bridges

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After getting herself a cup of tea, Janelle went back into the living room to get comfortable, deciding that she'd call Abby to fill her in on everything that had happened since they last talked. Although she was still a bit upset over her best friend telling Ryan about her situation, she understood, now, that she had only been worried. And for a good reason, too.

After she brought the phone up to her ear, she heard it ring a few times, before hearing a shuffling sound on the other line.


Janelle ran a hand through her hair, biting her lip. "Hey, Abby." She Said. "How're you feeling?"

"Eh...shitty." Abby mumbled. "What about you?"

"Well, I didn't get sick," Janelle stated. "But Ryan got it. I just made him some soup and tea, and he's resting now."

"You're at Ryan's?" Abby Asked.

Janelle bit the inside of her cheek, realising that she had never told Abby about the other night when Joshua had hit her for the first time.

"Well...I stayed here the other night." She mumbled.

"Did you break up with Joshua?" Abby seemed to have a bit of hope in her voice, but Janelle shook her head even though she couldn't see her over the phone.

"No.." she said quietly. "He...hit me.."

"He did what?" Abby Asked in a mortified tone.

"It was just a slap.." Janelle mumbled. "Anyway, I stayed at Ryan's that night.."

"Please tell me you're breaking up with Joshua."

"Actually...I went back yesterday.." Janelle looked down at her feet. "And Joshua...attacked me."

"Holy shit, Janelle.." Abby muttered. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I'm okay." Janelle nodded, before sighing. "Listen...I'm sorry, Abby."

"For what?" Abby asked softly.

"For not listening to you...for being upset with you.." Janelle felt her eyes well up with tears, but she blinked them away. "I should've listened.."

"Janelle, it's okay.." Abby Said. "I'm not angry. I understand, I promise."

Janelle took a deep breath, swallowing back the lump in her throat. "I-I don't know what to do.." she said, her voice breaking. "I really thought he loved me...if I leave, what will I do?"

"What do you mean?" Abby Asked.

"He's the only man who's ever shown me love." Janelle rubbed her eyes. "If I leave, what if I never find someone?"

"Janelle, you can't stay with him!" Abby protested. "Open your eyes, please! There's a man in the same house as you right now, and I know for a fact that he cares about you!"

"As a friend!" Janelle muttered.

"Janelle! You can't stay with Joshua, okay?" Abby raised her voice a little. "You have people who care about you, who would never do anything to hurt you! Joshua doesn't love you if he can do those things to you."

"I have nowhere to go.." Janelle mumbled, running a hand through her hair anxiously. "I can't go back to the apartment, I lost my job.."

"What? You lost your job?" Abby questioned.

Janelle stopped, biting the inside of her cheek again. Right; she hadn't told her about that, either.

Janelle swallowed, sighing. "Joshua came to the restaurant the other day.." she mumbled. "I left the room, and when I came back, Ryan was there, and they were bloody and being pulled away from each other."

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