Chapter Thirty-Four; Last Goodbye

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Janelle felt her heart begin to pound in her chest as she brought herself to her feet, trying to feel her way around in the dark closet. She had always hated small spaces; she was rather claustrophobic, especially when she was in the dark. Yet, currently, that wasn't her only concern. She was trapped in a closet while Ryan was out there, passed out from a head wound, that, for all she knew, could be bleeding out, and she couldn't do a thing about it.

She balled her hand into a fist, pounding on the door roughly. She knew that it wasn't going to magically open it, rather, she was wanting to get some of her anger for Joshua, and herself, out.

She was livid with Joshua for hurting her, cheating on her, letting his little whore wear her favourite shirt; but most of all, for hurting Ryan. It was one thing if he hit her, or pushed her, but breaking a bottle over the head of someone she cared about, that made her wish she could beat the life out of him, although she knew he was much stronger.

Yet, even her anger for Joshua could never be worse than the anger she had with herself. Why did she even let it go this far? Why didn't she just say goodbye for good the first time he was unfaithful to her? Because of her, they were in this entire mess.

Feeling tears well up in her eyes, she punched the door again, desperately wishing that he hadn't locked it. It was dark, and small, and she felt trapped, which she, of course, was.

A few tears streamed down her face as she punched the door again, hurting her fist in the process. She let out a gentle sob, laying her head against the door. She could only hope that the police, or whoever was coming from when she called 911, would show up soon. Her main concern right now was Ryan, that, and getting out of this stupid closet.

Ryan felt his head throbbing terribly, causing him to awaken. For some reason, he couldn't seem to pull himself out of this sleep- or whatever it was. He tried to move his body, but with every movement, the pain in the side of his head grew worse.

His eyes fluttered open, scanning his surroundings. He was on the floor, and scattered around him were dark-coloured glass shards. Letting out a moan of pain, he reached his hand up, placing it on the side of his head. Immediately feeling the wetness of it, he pulled his hand away to see his fingertips were covered in blood.

He was bleeding; but what had happened?

All of a sudden, he heard a loud pounding. And he looked over to his side to see where it was coming from.

Everything came flooding back to him; He had found Joshua hurting Janelle, and they began to fight. The last thing he remembered was a sharp pain in his head, before everything went black.

So if he was still laying here, where was Janelle?

As the pounding continued, he realised that the sound was coming from behind the door, which appeared to be a closet. He sat up, bringing his hand back up to hold to his wound, praying that the bleeding would stop.

He brought himself to his feet, and, feeling momentarily dizzy, he stumbled a bit, before regaining his balance.

Letting out a hiss of pain as his head continued to throb, he began to make his way over to the door, but not without leaning on a couple of walls for support, first. When he finally got over, he leaned on the door to keep from falling as his head spun.

"Janelle...are you in there?" He asked, trying to steady his breathing so he wouldn't pass out.

"Ryan?" She Asked, her voice sounding weak and frightened.

"Yeah, it's me.." he said, before reaching over to turn the lock on the doorknob. Feeling the stabbing pain in his head, as well as the dizziness, he let out a soft groan, before opening the door.

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