Chapter Thirty-Two; Better

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That night, both Ryan and Janelle were very silent. Ryan was still pondering all that he had told Janelle earlier that day; after all this time, he finally opened up about his feelings for her. It felt great to have it all off of his chest, yet, he felt as though he still had a weight on his shoulders. His main concern now was getting Janelle away from Joshua, as well as getting all of her things and moving it into his house. Of course, if not for the current situation, he would wait longer to invite a woman to come live with him, but, being that she didn't have anywhere to go, all he cared about was giving her a home. Besides, ever since the beginning, he had known that she was the one; and he was even more sure of that, now.

Ryan, who was currently washing dishes in the kitchen, peeking out into the living room, where Janelle was sitting on the couch, earbuds in her ears as she looked down at her phone. He smiled a little, just happy at the fact that she was in his home, safe and sound. She had finally made the decision to leave her abusive boyfriend, which Ryan couldn't be more relieved about. Now he only wondered when they would go to the apartment so she could break up with him for once and for all, as well as get all of her stuff. He was hoping that it would be soon, but he also didn't want to rush her, either.

After he finished washing the dishes, he dried off his hands, before shutting off the kitchen light. He made his way out to the living room, and as he approached the couch, he noticed that Janelle was listening to OneRepublic on her phone. He smiled a little, before coming around, sitting beside her. She immediately pulled out her earbuds, shutting off her phone, before looking up at him.

"Listening to music?" He asked, A small smile on his face.

She shrugged. "Kinda." She mumbled, a slight blush creeping up on her cheeks. She looked away from him, and he took a deep breath, reaching up a hand to run it through his dirty blond hair.

"So, I'm not trying to rush you or anything," he said, causing her to look back at him. "But when do you think you want to go get your stuff?"

"I'd like to tomorrow," she muttered. "But I don't want to bring all my things into your house on such short notice."

"Hey, I'm the one that asked you to move in." He said. "I really don't mind, I have plenty of room for your things."

She nodded a little, before taking a deep breath. "Then I think," She Said quietly. "Tomorrow. I'll break up with him, then move out."

She looked down, and Ryan reached out, rubbing her back.

"Hey," he said softly. "I'm proud of you. This is good."

"I only wish I had done it sooner." She sighed, before giving him a small smile. "But, at least I'm doing it now."

He nodded a little, before looking up at the clock. "It's getting late." He mumbled. "Do you wanna go to bed?"

She nodded. "I'm sure you need your rest after being sick today." She Said. "How are you feeling now?"

He shrugged. "I'm sure I'll be better by morning." He said. "How're you feeling?"

She lifted up her left hand, turning it over as she looked at it. "My hand is still a little sore." she muttered softly. "I'm guessing that this is your doing?"

Knowing that she was talking about the bandages on her hand, he gave her a kind smile, nodding a little. "Do you need me to help you change the bandages?"

She shook her head. "I'm okay," She Said quietly. "But thank you."

He nodded, before bringing himself to his feet, stretching a little. Janelle brought herself to her feet as well, before, without any words, the both of them went over to the staircase to head upstairs. They both stopped when they reached the doors to their bedrooms, letting their eyes meet one another's once again.

Ryan swallowed as he looked into Janelle's deep blue eyes, not quite sure why the two of them had stopped here like this. As he looked at her, she brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, biting her lower lip.

"Goodnight, then." She muttered softly, causing him to nod.

"Goodnight, Janelle." He replied, before she turned, heading into her room.

When Janelle went into the guest bedroom, which would soon be her own room, she went straight over to her suitcase, unzipping it and pulling out a baggy T-shirt and sweatpants. She immediately went into the bathroom, changing and brushing her teeth as she pondered everything that had happened that day.

She was so shocked over the fact that Ryan said he loved her, and she realised that she was acting rather awkward with him. After a confession like that, she wasn't quite sure what to say to him. Only hours ago, she was sure she was still madly in love with Joshua, but the moment the words came out of Ryan's mouth, it's like she knew she was really madly in love with him all along.

The thing was, though, even if she did truly love Ryan, she still had to accept that she was leaving Joshua, the man whom she believed was the only person who truly loved her. What if she couldn't do it? What if he tried to hurt her again?

Janelle swallowed, looking at herself in the mirror as she tried to push away her doubt.

Look at yourself, she thought. He's already hurt you. It's just going to keep happening if you don't leave him.

She nodded at her reflection. She had to do this; there was no running away and avoiding breaking up with him. She had to make it final. She needed to prove to herself, and him, that it was completely over. After this, she was never going back.

After she finished in the bathroom, she made her way back into the bedroom, shutting off the light and immediately throwing herself on the bed. She didn't bother to shut the door; besides, she liked the bit of light that came into the room from the hallway when she didn't.

She let out a long sigh, shutting her eyes and trying to keep her mind from wandering as she buried her face in her pillow, hoping she'd fall asleep soon.

Bringing herself into a calmed state from the silence in the room, she began to feel herself drift off, at least, until that silence was interrupted. Curious as to what made the noise in the room, she opened her eyes a little, realising that Ryan, who was now in his pajamas as well, was approaching her bed.

She instinctively closed her eyes again, in an attempt to make him believe that she was asleep, as she wondered what on earth he was doing in there.

Suddenly, she felt her blankets move, being pulled over her shoulders.

He's tucking me in? She wondered to herself, just before she heard his footsteps leaving the room.

After hearing his bedroom door close, she opened her eyes, looking down at her bed, which looked much neater than when she had initially thrown herself under the covers. She bit her lower lip, smiling a little as she buried her face in her pillow. After a few minutes of just laying there in silence, her thoughts drifting, she finally fell into a deep sleep.

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