Chapter Thirty; Take Care Of You

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Janelle opened her eyes, attempting to let them adjust to the light in the room. She wasn't sure where she was, but she was warm and comfortable, so at least that was a good sign.

She sat up, looking around her, letting her surroundings sink in. She couldn't help but smile a little when she realised where she was. She was safe, at Ryan's house. She guessed she had just fallen asleep when sitting with him last night.

She felt a small throb in her left hand, causing her to look down at it, noticing that it was now wrapped in a bandage. Had Ryan put it on her after she fell asleep? She couldn't help but wonder where Ryan was right now. She didn't see him in the kitchen, and he clearly wasn't in the living room with her.

As if on cue, she heard a noise come from the bathroom down the hall. She furrowed her eyebrows, bringing herself to her feet as she shook off the blanket that she had been covered with.

She made her way over to the hallway, peeking around the corner to see that the bathroom light was on, and the door was wide open. Curious, she began to step closer, just before she heard a soft groan come from inside.

As she reached the door, she began to regret coming over.

Curiosity killed the cat, she told herself, biting her lip. Who knows what he could be doing in there?

She shook off the thought, biting the inside of her cheek.

With the door wide open? Get real, Janelle.

She swallowed, before hesitantly peeking inside of the bathroom to see Ryan kneeling on the floor, hunched over the toilet. By the looks of it, he had just been sick, and Janelle stood there for a moment, wondering if she should ask if he needed help.

She bit her lower lip, taking a couple of steps into the room, before reaching up her hand to knock on the open door. Ryan immediately looked up at her, their eyes meeting.

"Are you alright?" She asked quietly.

He sighed, before mumbling, "I feel like shit."

Janelle hesitated, before making her way over, kneeling beside him on the floor. She reached over, laying her hand on his forehead.

"Well, you're burning up," She muttered, moving her hand to his cheek. "I heard the flu is going around, do you think you caught it?"

He shrugged, before leaning over the toilet to be sick again. Janelle watched, wincing a little as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. She turned on the screen, noticing that she had gotten a text from Abby. After not hearing from her for a while, she was happy to see a new message from her best friend.

She opened up the message, reading it quickly.

Ken and I have the flu. You may or may not be getting it..

"Well, I found the culprit," She stated, looking away from her phone to see Ryan looking at her expectantly. "It must be from your cooking."

His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What?"

She let out a small chuckle, turning off her phone and sliding it back in the pocket of her jeans. "I'm kidding," she said. "Abby and her fiancé got the flu. I was just at their apartment a few days ago."

"Then why don't you have it?" He muttered, reaching up a hand to rub his eyes.

"Because I got my flu shot." She stated, running a hand through her dark hair. "Do you need anything?"

He sighed. "I think I'm just going to go rest." He said. "I hate not being able to make you breakfast, though.." He looked up at her, his green eyes meeting her blues again.

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