Chapter 5 (Questioning)

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Sorry it took me so long to write another chapter :( I hope this one is as entertaining as the others! Love ya <3


You sat up still half asleep but aware that you were at the RIley's house. "Hey sleepy head~ Took you long enough to wake up." Tate says as she walks into the room and starts putting her makeup on. 

"What time is it?" you say hoping you still have enough time to get ready for school. "8:15" You stopped. "8:15?!?!" Tatum nods. 

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" "I don't know you looked tired so I let you sleep. I thought maybe you needed it." You had already started getting dressed and ready for school. 

"Thanks Tate but what I don't need is to be late to class again." You and Billy had skipped a few classes here and there to go hangout under the bleachers and talk. 

Ever since the two of you split you tried to be more punctual with your time of arrival to class. "Sorry, Y/N." "It's cool, I just need something to eat." You say as your stomach growls. 

"Oh there is some food downstairs for breakfast we can grab some on the way out." "Ok cool" After the two of you finished getting dressed and looked presentable you walked down the stairs. 

"Mmmmm smells good." You say as you step into the kitchen. Your nose led you to the location of the delicious smelling food. Cinnabuns. "Yes! Cinnabuns are so good!" You say as you and Tate each bite into one. 

As you chew the food you turn around to see Dewey with his cup of coffee and a cinnabun for himself. He is already looking at you and smiling. 

"I didn't know you liked them that much otherwise I would have made them for you before." You blush a little at his gesture. "Dew you made these?" You ask. Dewey nods and sips his coffee.

"They are so good! The icing is perfect!" He blushes at that and replies, "I mean I put them in the oven... they came out of a can." You felt embarrassed. 

"Oh... Well maybe you just made them with love and that's why they taste so good." He laughs a little at that and winks. "You know it." 

You went and sat next to Dewey at the table and started watching the news. "Two teenagers were brutally killed in their home last night..." 

"Wait what? Dewey, did you know about this?" "Oh yeah... Steven Orth and Casey Becker were murdered last night." You and Tate looked at each other. 

"Dew are you for real?!?! Why didn't you tell us?!" Tate said. "Well I didn't want you two to be scared." You just looked down at your lap. How could this have happened. I sat next to them in some of my classes. 

You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't hear the rest of Tate and Dewey's conversation. Tate grabbed your arm. "Oh shit! We are so gonna be late!"

You followed Tate out the front door. Dewey ran out behind you and said, "Hey I'll take you two to school." Tate glared at him but agreed. He held the door open for you as you climbed into the back seat. 

As you arrived at school you noticed that there were more police officers around than usual. Probably for safety because of last night. You thought. 

You jumped out of the car and started speed walking to class with Tate. After class had started the sheriff started taking kids and asking them questions about their whereabouts the night prior. You were the last one to be called. 

As you entered the Principal's office you saw Sheriff Burke and Dewey standing by the door and Principal Himbry sitting on the edge of his desk. You greeted each of them. When you called Dewey by his name he cleared his throat and said, "Uh that's Deputy Riley today, Y/N." 

You thought it was weird that he corrected you but realized it is probably because he is in front of his boss so you decided to move past it. Principal Himbry started caressing your face in a means to sooth you but it made you uncomfortable. 

You moved slightly away from his hand trying not to be obvious but it was enough to catch Dewey's attention. 

He started, "Principal, don't you think you shouldn't be in here? You know, for the students' privacy?" You nodded and looked up at the principal. "I suppose you're right, well I'll be right outside if you need anything." 

After the principal left the two police officers started questioning you. 

During lunch you were sitting with your friend group which consisted of Randy Meeks, Stu Macher, and of course Tatum. 

Billy used to sit with you too but ever since you split he rarely even comes to school. 

"Did they ask you if you liked to hunt?" Stu asked Randy. Randy nodded his head. "What?! They didn't ask me if I like to hunt." Tate stated. 

"Probably cuz you're a girl and they know a girl couldn't gut someone from groin to sternum." "That is so not fair and sexist!" Tate fired back. Stu just shrugged. 

"Did you hear they put her liver in the mailbox? Cuz I heard they put her liver in the mailbox." Randy said in a high pitched voice. Stu laughed and Tate called him an idiot. 

You just sat there pondering the questions the police asked you.


Hope you enjoyed! I will go back over this later to make sure there are no issues with it. I had to post this on fairly quickly after I finished writing.

Thnx for reading! Hope you have a good day/night! <3

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