Chapter 8 (Flashback)

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T/W: violence, slight mention of guns and anxiety attack.

Once again just a reminder italics are the reader's thoughts.

I am going to make the next chapter less focused on Dewey and more on Billy hopefully so enjoy this because the next one might have very little Dewey in it :(


You couldn't fall back asleep. You hadn't fully realized that when you invited Dewey in and asked him to stay with you until morning that meant you were going to be in the same room with him at night... by yourselves. 

You tried your best to ignore the fact that the man you had a semi-crush on was sleeping on the other side of the room. Still no luck at falling asleep though. 

Why am I so worried about this? There is literally a killer on the loose and I'm worried about a guy being in the same room as me. You felt your heart sink. Am I in love with Dewey? No there is no way. I just think he's cute. The only reason I'm acting like this is because he saved my life. Nothing else. 

You heard a slight shuffle. You pretended to be asleep because you didn't want Dewey to worry. You heard barely audible footsteps getting closer and closer to the bed you were laying on. 

You felt a piece of your hair move. You knew it was Dewey so you didn't flinch. He was on the side of the bed that you were facing towards. 

His hand moved from your hair and to your cheek bone. With a single finger he brushed your cheekbone ever so gently that it felt like butterfly wings. 

What is he doing? You heard him whisper something. "If only I were stronger... I could actually protect..." There were four more words but they were so quiet you couldn't make out what they were. After he said this he walked back over to his chair and sat down. 

You could still feel his eyes on you but for some reason this made it easier for you to sleep. The next morning you woke up to Dewey gone. You sat up. What time is it? Where is Dewey? 

You got out of bed and walked over to the door of the hospital room. You walked out of the room and started walking aimlessly around the halls in search of Dewey. 

You saw a couple nurses and a surgeon that looked at you weird, but still no sign of Dewey. You started panicking. You fell to the ground against a wall in a secluded corner of the hospital. 

Where is Dewey? Did he get hurt? Am I next? You started gaining your memory back from the night you were attacked.


"Looks like deputy Dewey boy can't help you now." Then the figure hit you in the side of the head with the back of a hunting knife. Your vision blurred and all you could see were silhouettes. You tried to get away from the attacker but it was extremely hard considering your vision was impaired. The figure pinned you again and rose the knife high above your head ready to drop the knife down into your chest. *BLAM* The figure fell back then got up and jumped out the window. 


You couldn't control your breathing. You started shaking and rocking back and forth grabbing at your scalp. Where is Dewey? Where is Dewey? I need to find him. 

All you could think about was making sure Dewey was safe. You felt someone wrap a blanket around you and then pick you up bridal style. You thought they were trying to hurt you so you started flailing. 

"Y/N! YOUR OKAY!" You heard that oh so familiar voice say. You froze. You lifted your head so your eyes could find the face of the person who was holding you. 

It was deputy Dewey boy. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck and started crying. "It's okay. You're okay now. I'm here." He kept saying over and over. 

You felt your whole body go limp and you allowed Dewdrop to carry your body so you could relax. He had no trouble holding you. He was stronger than he seemed. 

His wide shoulders and strong arms made you feel small. Soon you were being laid down onto a soft surface, it was your bed. 

You let go of his neck and switched your weight onto the bed instead of his arms. "Why were you out in the hall by yourself? You could have gotten hurt." Dewey said with the most painful sounding voice. 

"I- I was looking for you. I thought you were in danger." His face changed from sadness and worry to a caring and gentle look. "You need to worry about yourself, not me. I am the deputy of this town so I can handle myself. You just got attacked, you should be resting." 

He pulled a blanket over your body. "I'm sorry I left you alone." "How did you even find me?" You asked him, still confused. 

"I was in the hospital kitchen and heard some nurses talking about how they saw you wandering around and hoped you weren't lost." He replied. "Oh. Wait, why were you in the kitchen?" 

"I was trying to figure out how to make cinnabuns for you." He said looking down at the floor with an embarrassed look on his face. 

Your heart rate had just gotten back to a normal level but now was skyrocketing. He was doing that for me? 

He jumped like he had just remembered something. "Speaking of, hopefully they aren't burnt." He ran out of the room and a few minutes later came back with a tray of perfectly cooked golden cinnabuns. 

"They don't look burnt to me." You say as you grab one off of the tray and bite into it. He continued to hold the tray and just watch you. He had a goofy smile on his face, almost like he was proud of something. 

"Thanks Dew, these are great!" His smile widened. You stopped eating and looked up at him. He was still standing next to the bed holding the tray. "Aren't you going to join me?" You say after swallowing the food that was in your mouth. 

He set the tray down on the nightstand and pulled up a chair to the spot he had been standing in. The two of you just sat in silence as you continued eating the delicious cinnabuns. 

Made with love~


Hope you enjoyed ;)

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