Chapter 6 (A ride)

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Italics means thoughts just incase someone forgot. 

And f/m stands for favorite movie.

I hope ya'll enjoy!!!


After school, you and Tate climbed into Dewey's car. Dewey once again was his chivalrous self and held the door open for you. "Thanks for driving us Dew." You said after all three of you were in the car. 

"Of course. Can't have you two getting hurt." He replied. You always loved how caring Dewey was and admired him for it. You couldn't help but feel that he was the only person in the entire world that you could be around and feel completely at peace with. 

When you arrived back at the Riley house and went up to Tate's room you realized that you forgot to pack underwear and a toothbrush and needed to go get them from your house. You looked at Tate who was laid out on her bed. 

"Hey Tate, can you drive me to my house really quick?" Tate looked at you. "Y/n im soooooo tired I totally would but... You know what I bet Dewey would drive you. In fact he would actually prefer that." 

You stopped. "What do you mean?" Tate looked back at you. "... What do you think I mean?~" You blushed at this, like hard blushed. "I-" Tate started laughing. 

"I'm kidding! Obviously I just meant he probably wants to go with you to make sure you're safe." You let out the enormous breath you had been holding in. 

"Yeah that's what I thought you meant. Haha" Tate threw you a skeptical look. I don't want to bother him with driving me again though. You thought. 

"Well, go on. Go ask him." Tate urged you. You walked out of Tate's room and over to Dewey's door. As soon as you got to his door, however, he opened it and the two of you almost crashed into each other. 

"Oh! I'm sorry Dewey!." "You're perfectly fine. What's up though? Do you need something?" You looked at the ground. He's dressed in his uniform so he is probably busy. 

"Uh- No yeah I'm fine I was just coming to say 'hi'." You tried your hardest to smile. He smiled back but had a confused look in his eyes. You turned around and started to walk away when he grabbed your arm. 

"What do you need? It's not a problem y/n." "Ok well I actually need a ride to my house because I forgot a few things." You looked up at him and he was already looking you in the eyes. 

(A/N ok so the face he has right now is like when you look at someone who just did something really cute but also are kinda worried ya kno? Sorry for interrupting. I just had no idea how to explain this in the story. Ok bye) 

"That's all? By the way you were acting I thought you had broken the law and were going to ask me to erase the records or something." He let out a little laugh. 

You laughed and blushed a little as you realized how unnecessarily worried you were. "Of course I can give you a ride. Honestly I'm glad you asked me instead of Tate. Now I can make sure you get there and back safely." 

You laughed because of how well Tate knows her brother. The two of you stepped outside and you noticed that it was already past sunset. 

"Wow I hadn't realized how early it gets dark now." You said. "Yeah. Just another reason to be careful." The two of you got into the car and drove to your house. 

You walked up to the front door and unlocked it as you both stepped inside you noticed Dewey locked the door behind the two of you. He must be really worried about this killer. He followed you upstairs and stood outside the bathroom as you got your toothbrush. 

You walked across the hall and into your room. This time he followed you in because there was enough room to. He started looking at the posters you had on your walls. He stopped in front of your f/m poster. 

"I didn't know you liked f/m, y/n." "Oh yeah! It's my favorite." You replied. (lmao imagine if your f/m is scream like me. this would be a wacky convo.) "You have great taste." 

You chuckled a little and went back to finding underwear. When Dewey realized what you were looking for he left the room to make it less awkward. 

He started roaming the house just to make sure that it was secure. Once you were finished gathering the items you needed you closed the drawer. 


You turned to see what the noise coming from the other side of your room was but as soon as you did someone in a black cloak was on top of you with their hand on your mouth. 

"Looks like deputy Dewey boy can't help you now." The figure whispered in a creepy voice. 

Then you blacked out. 


You couldn't help but think about how the cloak and mask the figure was wearing were just like the ones from your dream. 


Here we go!!! Finally got some ghostface content. I had to add a cliffhanger I'm sorry. Hope you enjoyed and sorry for the annoyingly large amount of author notes.

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