Chapter 10 (Rays of Sun)

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A/N: I am so sorry I haven't posted in like a month :( I have been superrrrrr busy (and lazy lmao) anyways I hope you enjoy :)

Italics is Y/N's thoughts incase you forgot because I have been gone for so long 


 It's your third day in the hospital and you are absolutely bored. You have been asleep more than you have been awake since you got to the hospital, purely because there is nothing to do, not because you're tired. 

Dewey is in your room most of the time but he seems like he isn't really there. Something is off. He has been acting weird ever since the doctor said I could go home tomorrow. 

You are staring at the tv watching old reruns of 'Supermarket Sweep'. Dewey had just left the room after saying, "I'll be right back, I just need to make a call." 

I don't get it. Why has he seemed so distant? 

You hear the door open and Dew walks in, "So who is winning?", he says as he sits back down. "Huh?" You say not knowing what he means. He looks at you weird and then looks at the tv. 

"The show. Who's winning?" You look up at the tv. "Oh... To be honest I haven't been paying attention." His look turns from confused to worried. 

"What's on your mind y/n?" You look down at the blanket that is covering the bottom half of your body. "Dew... Why have you been acting weird ever since they said I could leave the hospital tomorrow?" He stiffens. 

"I- What do you mean?" He looks away from you. "I mean... Why don't you want me to leave? You think I haven't heard you talking to the doctor outside the room, asking him if he could run more tests on me?" He looks at you like a deer in the headlights. 

"I- I just want to make sure you are okay before we leave." "Dewey... Did something happen? Did someone get hurt?" 

He looks right into your eyes now. "Y/N, That is not your concern." He says sternly. "Your only concern needs to be getting better." 

You shake your head. "Dewey, I need to know! Who was it? Was it someone I know?" He looks at the wall behind you. "Fine... The killer attacked someone again last night. The victim was a kid a year older than you, Kevin Fischer. He was found in his house early this morning." 

You didn't know him well, in fact you had only spoken to him once because he hosted a big party last year and invited you. You look at the air in front of you. "Why? W- Who is doing this? I-"

"That's why I don't want you to leave here. The hospital is the safest place for you right now." he interrupts. You shake your head again. "Dew I can't just stay here, they did scan after scan on me. I am fine. Plus I'm taking you away from real police work. You need to be out searching for the killer, not stuck in some hospital room with me." He looks back at you. 

"This is real police work. And even if it wasn't I would still be here protecting you." You tilt your head down trying not to let him see you blushing. "What's wrong? Are you feeling alright?" he says as he scoots closer to the bed you are laying on. 

"Yeah I'm fine! I just feel a little dizzy." He grabs your chin gently and tilts your face towards him. You close your eyes, hoping the blush faded. It didn't. He immediately lets go when he sees your face and starts blushing himself. 

"I- I'm gonna go get coffee. Do you want some?" He says as he practically runs out of the room. You just nod your head. After he closed the door behind him. The room fell completely silent and you started laughing. 

After about thirty seconds of laughing at yourself and Dewey, you took in a deep breath. Wow, it's been a few days since I really laughed. You picked up the tv remote and started flipping through channels. 

It was almost night now and so the sun was nowhere to be seen. Only the few rays of sunlight that sneak around the horizon every evening. 

You found a good channel and turned to set the remote down. As you did you looked out the window to see not only the few rays of sun left but also a face... 

A human face. 



A/N: :0

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