Chapter 7 (The Hospital)

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Okay so this chapter has slightly angsty Dewey but only bc u were hurt. I hope u enjoy. :)


You heard sirens. The slight red and blue lighting of the room. The sound of footsteps. Someone saying Dewey's name. Almost like they are trying to get him to move away from something.

"y/n..." You heard Dewey's voice. He has such a soft voice. So smooth and gentle. You felt someone's hands holding your head. 

Who could be holding me in such a way that makes me feel like a sheet of glass that would break if they moved a single finger? "Y/n..." Whoever it was wouldn't stop saying your name. "Y/n..."

 Your vision started coming back along with your hearing. Oh it's Dewdrop. Why does he look so worried? What happened? Did someone hurt him? "Y/n you're going to be okay. SOMEONE GET A STRETCHER SHE NEEDS HELP" 'Needs help'? Why would I need help? Dewey is here. 

You felt your body slowly being lifted. Then it went black again. 




That sounds like those heart monitors off of movies. Why would I be hearing that?  You slowly opened your eyes. You were in a hospital bed. 

To the right of you someone was sitting in a chair with their head laid on the bed and holding your hand. It was Dewey.

"Dew?" Dewey's head shot up and he squeezed your hand. "Y/n?!? Are you ok?" He had the most heart wrenching look on his face. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost Dewey?" He says nothing. 

"Dewey?" He looks down at the bed. "It was my fault. I should have been there with you." "What do you mean? What happened to me?" When we were in your house someone attacked you." He replied with his head still down, eyes locked with the bed. 

"How is that your fault?" You asked him, still confused on why he won't even look at you. "I should have been in the room and saved you before that thing could hurt you. I-" You stopped him, "Dewey I still don't know completely what happened but someone else attacking me is most definitely not your fault." 

He looked right into your eyes and said. "You don't get it! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE!" He let go of your hand. You were taken aback. 

Dewey doesn't yell. Why does he even care so much about me?  You were speechless. Unable to say words you tried to reach for his hand again but he moved away from you. 

He was looking back at the ground bed now. You were about to say something when Tatum and Sheriff Burke walked in. 

"Y/n!! Oh my god I thought you were dead," Tate says as she hugs you. 

"Dewey shot at the person who broke into your house. He stopped them from killing you. Even if the killer got away, Dewey is the only reason you are alive right now. You owe him your life y/n." Sheriff Burke states. 

You looked to where Dewey was standing but he had already left the room. When did he leave? And if he saved my life then why was he so beat up about me being hurt? I would be dead if it wasn't for him. 

You talked with Tate some more and then the sheriff wanted to ask you some questions about the attack so Tate left to get you some f/d. 

After visiting hours were over and everyone said their goodbyes you fell asleep. You started to dream of you and Dewey relaxing at your house and watching f/m together. 

Then you woke up startled by voices outside of your hospital room. Who is outside? Visiting hours are over. You silently walked over to the door and put your ear to it.

"Sir you can't be here visiting hours are over but you can come back at 6 am when they start back up." You heard a woman state. 

"Ma'am I am a police officer and I am stationed in front of this room from now on until the patient inside gets better now if you keep talking she is going to wake up." 

Dewey? You opened the door. Dewey stiffened. The nurse looked at you. "Hi honey. I'm sorry I was trying to get him to leave but-" "Why? He is only trying to keep me safe?" The nurse looked at you and then at Dewey. 

"Can you let him stay? It would make me feel more safe." The nurse looked back at you, nodded, then walked away. 

Dewey slowly turned around. Still not looking directly at your eyes like he always used to. You then motioned for him to come into the hospital room. He walked in behind you and you went and sat back down on the bed. 

Dewey stayed standing at the foot of the bed. "Sorry I woke you up y/n." "You don't have to apologize for that. I actually am glad I woke up. I was kinda getting creeped out and wanted company." He then looked right into your eyes. 

Your heart stopped. He had soft brown eyes but when he wanted them to, those eyes could burn right through you. "I just needed to make sure you were safe." You blushed and broke eye contact with him. 

"Can you stay here until morning?" "Actually I was going to ask you if I could stay here until you get better." You laughed. "Dewey you have a job you can't just be my bodyguard." 

"True but sheriff Burke actually specifically asked me to watch over you." Oh so that's why he wants to stay with me. "He thinks the killer might try and come back." 

You stopped, heart racing. "Come back?!?!?" Dewey nodded. 

"Don't worry though this time I won't let you out of my sight."


An ambulance went by my house as I was writing this chapter. Eerie. I hope he wasn't too like different. He was only mad bc y/n was hurt so :/

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