Masquerade Mate: Chapter Four

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Hey everyone if ya haven't noticed I had to post this whole story over again due to it somehow getting deleted >_< but I got it all back up soo yay. I just hope you guys will take the time to read and vote once again.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and the picture on the side is of Melanie in her little pink dress ^-^

On with the story!!

*Alice POV*

"TWO DAYS!!!!" Mel shrieked running into my room and jumping up on my bed.

"Melanie......" I groaned, covering my face with a pillow hoping to tune out her annoying squealing.

"It's in two days!!" She said shaking my shoulders to get a response out of me.

"JEN!!! HELP ME!!!!" I cried

No answer.

"JEN HELP!!" I cried again


Why that little.....

"Dun Darum!!" Came a holler from behind me as I struggled with Melanie. "Super Jen to the rescue!!"

I turned just in time to see a Wonder Woman dressed Jen leaping towards my bed. A battle of two became one of two against one. I was that ONE!

"Rape !" I shrieked, trying to fend off my best friends.

"You know you like it" They laughed in union.

With no strength left I fell victim to their tickling hands. We were all laughing like mad scientists as we laid breathing heavy on the ground.

"Does anyone know I we got to the ground?" Melanie asked, glancing around herself.

"No idea." I answered at the same time that Jen said "Nope."

At this we got into another round of laughter. Once we were finished we helped each other off the floor and then silently agreed to go to the kitchen when our stomachs growled in union.

Quickly we each took up positions in the kitchen. I was in charged of boiling pasta, Jen of the sauce, and Melanie was grating Parmesan cheese. With each of us doing our own thing, dinner was made quickly.

Just as we were about to sit and eat our glorious Italian meal the door bell rang. Jen and I groaned while Mel jumped up from her chair and ran for the door. Jen looked over at me then rolled her eyes before stuffing her face with a fork full of noodles and sauce. I was just about to join her when a shriek erupted in the house.

"Fuck, Melanie!!"

We both ran as fast as we could to our friends rescue. There had been rumors of Rouges being close to town and now one could possibly be at our door.

Double Fuck!

When we reached the door Melanie was standing there with a huge box in her hands.

"Mel?" I asked hesitantly.

She suddenly whipped around to face us with a huge grin on her face. A box was in her hands, being held bone crushingly tight. I felt my eyes narrow as I realized what was in the the damn box.

"MY DRESS!!" She screeched before jumping around and doing an amusing happy dance.

"Damn it Mel!" Jen growled looking seriously pissed. "We thought a rouge attacked you or something"

"Fuck nah. I would've kicked that bastards ass if one had showed up." Mel said

Jen gave a frustrated growl before turning and heading towards the dining table where surely our food would be cold.

"Your dress is here too" Mel cooed at her.

Jen whipped around instantly yanking the box from Melanie's hands and ripping the tape with one hand and opened it up with the other. The first dress to appear was Melanie's . A short pearl pink dress that was tight around the bodice and then flowed outward the lower you went. It fell right above Mel's knees, going perfectly with her perky personality. Giving the dress to Mel, Jen proceeded to dig for her own. Finally pulling out a floor length, lime green dress with a long slit on the side, Jen released an ear piercing squeal. I watched amusedly as my best friends gushed about their dresses. My smile dropped when I remembered I still didn't even know what my own dress looked like. Sensing my change of mood the girls put their dresses away and lead the way back to our food.

Too bad had already I lost my once immense hunger.

I excused myself from the table ignoring my friends worried glances and walked to my room. I don't understand why I'm being soo emotional.

Was it because I was getting closer to the moment of possibly seeing my mate or just me being extremely hormonal?

Raking a hand through my hair I decided that what I needed was to continue my nap from earlier and hopefully I'd wake up less moody.


Sorry for the late update everybody.

I've been on an emotional roller coaster the past two weeks :/

It sucks when you thought you knew someone only to find that they are truly fucked up in the head.

Next couple chapter will have to do with the preparations for the ball.

Hope y'all enjoyed.

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