Masquerade Mate: chapter six

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Hey everyone been a little while had some more crazy things to deal with but on a good note....the moment you've been waiting for has come. *drum roll*

Enjoy!!! ^-^

*Alice POV*

We arrived at the enormous castle, our eyes almost popping out of their sockets as we strained our necks looking upwards.

"Holy flipping suckers!" Mel gasped.

Jen and I looked at her quizzically before bursting with laughter. Melanie pouted, crossing her arms over her chest and she slunk back in her seat.

"I'm trying not to curse anymore." She defended herself.

That just made us laugh harder. Melanie was our best friend, the most peppiest, nicest girl around but she had the mouth of a trucker stuck on the highway.

"Can we get out now?" Mel growled making a grab for the door handle.

My index finger slammed down on the automatic lock button next to the steering wheel before giving Mel an 'are you crazy look?'.

"What?" Mel raised an eyebrow, taking in my alert attitude.

"Melanie. We're in another territory we have to watch out for danger." Jen voiced my thoughts and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Right." Melanie nodded."so then what now?"

"We get out on the count of three." Simple.

"One." We said in union.



Our little trio bolted from our seats meeting up that the trunk of the car where we hurriedly grabbed our bags and made a mad dash to the towering metal doors and the top of the stairs. Only after catching our breaths did we high five and take up Charlie's Angels poses as we scanned the area. A clearing of a throat had us all doing a one eighty so that our backs no longer were to the metal doors. A man in his early fifties stood in from of us in a suit that reminded me of penguins. His probably once dark hair was now a grayish white and seemed to be slicked back with a hair gel. He brown eyes were looking at us with amusement.

"What is it that you three were doing?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Scoping out the area for hot guys." Melanie said with a grin.

Jen and I face palmed ourselves but went along with Mel's cover up story.

Chuckling at us the man motioned for us to enter after him.

"Please wait here ladies, the Alpha's son will be here soon to greet you all." He said before turning on his heel and disappearing down the corridor.

"Cool they have a butler!" Melanie squealed.

"Scoping for hot guys? Really Mel?" Jen asked before we burst out laughing at Melanie's expense.

Instead of becoming upset, Mel joined us in our fits of laughter. The three of had a doubled over in our laughing not noticing the man behind us until we heard another clearing of a throat. I turned quickly at the sound only to have my sheepish smile turn into a full out sneer.

"YOU!" We both shouted at the same time.

It was Him. The man I've been trying to forget for the past year. The cause of my disgrace. The reason for my disbelief in love. Here he stood in front of me in all his glory with a shocked expression as I glared at him. The girls noticing my defensive actions took up their positions behind me. I was thankful for them having my back.

Suddenly I was pulled into a solid chest, muscular arms wrapping around me to pull me impossibly closer. My body was frozen in shock for exactly two seconds before a deep growl escaped my lips and I put as much force as I could in a push that had my mate stumbling backwards.

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Me." My voice hasn't raised at all but the threat was definently there as I glared.

My mate didn't take my words too well from the growl that erupted from him and the way his eyes instantly darkened to black.

I wasn't taking his actions any better. My adrenaline was in high along with my blood boiling anger. Quickly my anger took over and I shifted into my silver she-wolf, the hairs on my back standing on end.

My mate wasted no time in shifting into a magnificent, large, black wolf. A part of me way, way deep down was swelling with pride of the power emanating off my mate but instead I grasped my anger with both hands and gave him a fierce growl that said 'back off'. He ignored my warning instead coming closer to me. Suddenly both Jen and Mel shifted and took their places to either side of me. My mate roared with anger at my best friends and they instantly growled back.

Did I mention how much I loved theses two girls!

*Kristoff POV*

What the hell?

This wasn't how I had expected to meet my mate again and now I had her friends against me as well.

This is my fucking house!

I gave a roar more fierce than the ones before it using my alpha blood and the trio looked at each other with worried glances but still held ground.

God my mate was starting to seriously piss me off but I had to admire her strong will.

'Bro what's going on? We can hear your growls from the other side of the castle.' Liam asked through our mind link.

'Yeah I'm gonna need back up at the main entrance. My mate has appeared.'

She's finally here...


Short yes I know but I feel like if I don't post I'll ruin the chapter so please bare with me and I'll try to make the next longer.

Sorry for the late update guys I'll try to be faster but your never prepared for what the world throws at you.

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