Masquerade Mate: Chapter Seven

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(Sorry for the late update )

*Kristoff POV*

I made a move towards my mate and of course she responded with a threatening growl. My wolf wasn't taking her actions too kindly and it was starting to take everything in me not to force her into submission.

Alan and Liam appeared beside me each one taking a stance against my mate's two friends. Now it was just me and her. I took a step closer and she copied the move, our snouts only a few inches away from each other. I growled at her hoping she'd finally come to her senses and realize that she was no match for me, but only a sound similar to a snort came from her. Her reaction definently did not please my wolf who was on the verge of taking her delicate throat in his mouth until she submitted.

"Enough!" My father's voice registered in the back of my mind but I didn't turn to look at him as everyone else did. "Kris..." This time I glanced at him momentarily before directing my gaze back to my mate.

"You girls are guest here and I suggest you start behaving as so." Father directed at the three she-wolves, then turned to us. "As for you three, because you caused these girls a hard time on their first day you will all shift back into your human forms in front of them."

My head snapped towards my father's direction where he stood, arms crossed and expression dead serious.

'But we will be naked.' I stated matter of factly through the pack link.

"I know" He smirked.

'Dude I can't shift in front of them.' Liam whined. 'I'd feel pervy.'

'I'm in. I like to put on good show.' Alan said way too into shifting in front of the girls.

'Don't make me kick your sorry ass, Dick. That's my mate.' I growled.

'Riiigghht...' Alan said taking a few steps away from me.

"Boys"Father's mocking voice caught my attention again. "Do I need to order the three of you to shift?"

No answer.

"Alright then but you boys asked for this...."

'Noo!!' Two voices echoed in my head.

On either side of me one of my two best friends stood naked, there hands covering their genitals. The girls were practically rolling all over the floor, making me glad as hell that I'd caught Dad's bluff.

I made eye contact with my mate, neither of us backing down from the stare. God, she was beautiful.

"Does anyone else smell testosterone?" Alan laughed going to pat my back, retracting his hand after hearing my warning growl.

"Alright guys," Dad chuckled. "Let me get you all out of hear before your mother finds out-"

"When your mother finds out what?" My father's face contorted into a wince at the sound of Mom's voice behind him.

"Well....the children were....well..ummm. I mean.."

"Got nothing." Mom's eyes rolled. "You three ladies can follow me and as for you boys its a shame that you can't keep your clothes on around females."

"Psshh come on ma'am. The ladies always come onto me." Alan said with a cocky grin.

Mom was silent for a minute before her eyes traveled down to where Alan's hands were and she put on a very 'concerned' look.

"Alan do you need any vitamins for your rather..umm..small friend?"

With a cheeky grin and look of approval from Dad, Mom led my mate and her friends away. Once they were out of ear shot Alan turned to us, face still red.

"Is it really that small guys?" He pouted slightly.

*Alice POV*

"Omigod!! Alice!! I can't believe that's your mate!!"Melanie cried upon entering the room from her shower.

"Don't remind me." I frowned, flipping a page in my book.

"But he's HOT!!"

"I don't care."

"Yeah you do." She countered.



"Jeez Melanie! I don't like him!" I growled frustrated with her already.

"Then why'd you kiss him?" She asked not at all fazed by my outburst.

"Change the subject."

"You like him! Admit it. You got the hots for the dude. ALICE GOT THE HOTS!!!!" She exclaimed jumping on the bed.

"Shut up!" I couldn't stop the smile that cracked on my lips. "Jen. Could you help me out here."

"Sorry Alli but Mel's actually right for once." Jen shrugged.

"I am? Omg I am......I GOTTA CALL MOM!!" Melanie yelled running out the room.

Shaking my head out of thoughts from my crazy bestie and I focused on my other best friend.

"Don't tell me you believe that too."

"I don't believe. I know." She said exiting the room too.

Once again I was left alone with my jumbled thoughts.

God, I was going mad.


Wow how long has it been since my update?

Yeah.....sorry about that guys. Not only have I been busy with finals but I've got the craziest case of writers block.

On a brighter note; school is almost over so hopefully I'll have more time on my hands for future updating.

Last thing: thanks soo much for everyone supporting this book or any of my others it's a big inspiration and motivation. Soo again THANKYOU!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! <3

Ps. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram! (Username in my bio)

If you follow make sure to comment on my photo telling me your from wattpad and I'll surely follow you back.

-brownies (not the weed kind. >_< )

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