Chapter Nine - Part One

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Masquerade Mate

Chapter 9 - part one

It was hard to seem him go. I knew he was upset but my pride was arguing with my wolf as She urged me to follow our mate. My foot began to tap loudly in the silent room. Everyone looked over at me which only added to my frustration causing my foot to tap more rapidly. With a huff I stood and strode out of the room quickly following the enticing scent of my mate.

He smelled of.......lavender.

Ironically my favorite scent. I found him outside on a balcony looking over the vast land that his family owned. He was beautiful no doubt, the Prince Charming of every girl's dreams. Tall and strong, handsome yet smart. Royalty. He was perfect. He was everything I had hoped for since a little girl. He was my mate. His mere presence stirred desire within the pit of my stomach despite how much I fought to cover it, because no matter how amazing he was, he had rejected me.

The day we'd met he took one good look and rejected me on spot. No explanation. No apologies. Not even an excuse as to why. Then he'd simply disappeared afterward, no trace of him. Then for months my sisters took up their usual roles as my bullies and together they continued to abuse my already wounded heart. I was.

Debating on just letting everything go and running to embrace him from behind. My wolf was itching to have our mate hold us...touch...kiss. As if in slow motion I began to move my left leg and then my right. My hand was reaching out to the handle of the elegant door separating the in from the out when I heard it.

Laughing. A sound so high pitched and irritating, a scowl instantly appeared on my face. Of course soon after came the owner of such a laugh. Dark hair flowing in the wind that lightly tousled it in its summer breeze. A red smile so wide that it seemed her face would break in half if it grew any bigger. My brows knitted together as she shamelessly ran her index finger up my mates arm opening her palm to squeeze his shoulder, before running her hand down his chest to his abdomen.

'Mine!' My wolf growled.

It took a huge amount of restraint to not run over and tear her esophagus out as I stood there. My claws and canines had appeared, my body shaking recklessly. My wolf wanted to shift. She was craving blood and was prepared to do whatever it took to feel the life drain out of the harlot caressing our mate. I closed my eyes willing her away, taking the bit of self control I still held and locking her away to the recesses of my mind. Opening my eyes they connected with golden ones, pupils slightly dilating as they watched me. Kristoff was now giving me his full attention and I found myself frozen in spot, excitement stirring in the pit of my stomach. He made a move towards me, pushing the dark haired lightly out of the way as he walked but I was already gone bolting down the hall to where my room.

"Dammit!" I growled thrusting a pillow at the door just before tossing myself on the bed.

I need to get myself under control He was the enemy. If anything he was the one that caused all of this! We could have been together now instead of having to be here for a stupid masquerade ball. I should have been the one on the balcony consoling him. I should be the one he looks for comfort in. Just thinking about her hand on my mate had me growling and craving blood.

A knock on the door brought me out of my angry thoughts. It took me a few deeps breaths before I could finally answer.

"Come in." I said thinking a maid had come to clean up the room.

The door opened slowly and my mate slipped in eyes landing me instantly. I shudder when I saw how is eyes darkened instantly at seeing where I sat.

"Hey." He said voice husky as he closed the door behind himself.



Lol sorry everyone but hope you enjoy <3

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