Masquerade Mate: Chapter Five

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Hey everyone!

I've finally gotten over the heart break and am ready to move on with life as the brilliantly bubbly girl my friends know and love. It's been tough but I made it. ^-^

I hope you guys will like the chapter I know your all eagerly waiting for the ball lol. Be patient my loved ones. XD

On with the stories!!

*Kristoff POV*

"Dude where the hell have you been?" Alan asked

I looked over at the guys, after sitting down roughly on the recliner in the castle's entertainment room. They both sat on the floor with Playstation controllers in their hands, the Black Ops menu displayed on the flat screen.

"Suit fitting." I grumbled running a hand through my hair.

It was a habit I had since I was kid. Even the time when I was eleven and thought I could break the habit by cutting my hair off completely, I still found myself doing the action.

Liam and Alan glanced at each other before turning back to me and laughing until they were practically gasping for air.

"You guys shouldn't be laughing." I shrugged. "After all you two are next."

They both gave horrified faces before rushing to me with complaints of how they wouldn't be letting anyone wrap a measuring roll around them.

"Too bad." I chuckled. "My mom should be here any minute now.

The pair groaned going into another round of angry rants.

At the sound of the door opening all talking stopped existing. My mothers head popped in with a huge smile and a gleam of mischief in her eyes.

"Boys," she sang mockingly. "suit fitting time!!"

Alan and Liam groaned but got off the floor anyway, considering my mother was still their Alpha Female for this last month they were still under her command. Then Alan would be my Beta and Liam my third in command. The three of us had been together since Pre Were-School and had been planing out our futures for awhile now.

Falling for my mate was definently not in the plans but seemed to have become essential in my life.

Left alone I felt my good mood slip away. My mate's face flashed in my mind. The pain in her eyes were like a silver dagger to the heart. It was killing me that I didn't even know her name. A small smile appeared on my lips momentarily at the memory of her telling me her name was 'Fuck You'.

I was truly hoping she would be coming to the ball so that I wouldn't have to pick some other female as my Alpha Female. If she came I could be able to explain a little more about my decision to reject her. Hopefully she would be willing to except me; I wouldn't know what to do if she didn't.

A knock sounded and mothers head popped in again.

"Honey, some guests have already arrived I need you to attend them for me." She said in a rush.

"Alright mother." I said standing from the chair and exiting the room heading for the castle's main entrance.

*Alice POV*

~Hours Earlier~

I stared at the note that had magically appeared in my room incredulously.

What the hell?

Jen snatched the note from me and read it aloud for herself and Mel, who had been trying to get me to talk for five minutes straight.

"What does she mean by 'it'll be there right before your ball' ? Shouldn't it already be here for crying out loud!? We leave today!!" Jen growled, pacing the room.

"Omigod!! What do we do??" Melanie's eyes were soo huge they seemed to be popping out of their sockets.

"It's okay we can handle this." Jen try to assure me. "There has got be some shops around the castle and I'm sure we can find you a dress around there."

"I'm not going." I stated.

"What? You have to come!" Jen argued.

"I'll go to the castle I just won't go to the ball." I said with a shrug.

"Then we won't go either." Jen stated, crossing her arms in front of her.

"But we have to go! I promised we'd perform!!"

Melanie's outburst had Jen and I ready to choke her to death.

"What!?" Jen asked. "Why didn't you say we had to perform??"

"I guess I must've forgot." Mel said twisting her hair nervously.

Before Jen could jump at Mel's throat I intervened.

"I guess we'll be hitting the shops. Come on we better get going." I said grabbing my suitcases and heading for the car outside.

The three of us got into my prized possession, a turquoise mustang given to me on my 18th birthday last year. To think I was about to make a full year with this girl in two weeks.

We drove to the Ever Moon Pack Castle with music blasting and non stop laughing.

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