Chapter 4

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Mob, back to class from the infirmary, skipped a good amount of class sessions due to fainting. But he was able to take note of the past lessons thanks to his classmates. 

Next session, Mob wanted to go to the washroom, so when he went out to do his business, he felt a certain amount of people eye on him with...malicious intent. Then when he finished doing his thing, he was shot with a tranquilizer and knocked out.


M...o...b! M..o..b! Mo..b! Mob!

Mob's eyes opened to reveal that he was chained on an experimental people with Mako on his side, calling his name.

Mako: Heeey, Mob!

Shigeo: M-Mako! Where are we?

Mako: Oh yeah, the biology club, if I remember, just kidnapped us!

She said in a jolly tone. Then Mob heard the sounds of students being beaten up.

Mako: And Ryuko is here to save us!

Ryuko: Taking hostages, that's pretty low!

Mako: You're so cool, Ryuko!

But the club persevered but instantly lost when Ryuko got serious. Accidentally exploding the room. 

Mob and Mako broke out of their restraints. Mako jumped out of the broken wall to thank Ryuko, while Mob thanked Ryuko from above.

Mako: Come down with us, Mob!

Shigeo: Ok! 


Mob saw the duo sitting on a very huge rusty chain, talking to each other, Ryuko, arguing with her uniform. 

Ryuko: Quit nitpicking every little thing I  say!

Mako: Wow, that's amazing! You're doing a comedy duo act all by yourself!

Ryuko: huh?

Mako: Oh, you were talking to Senketsu, weren't you? Sorry, sorry!

Shigeo: Yeah, I think she was.

Then Mob sat beside Ryuko, though the sailor uniform seemed like it was looking at him and twitching, he ignored that.

Ryuko quick pov


Ryuko: Geez calm down!

Shigeo: Oh, you are talking to Senketsu again?


Ryuko: (growl) Cuz I told them!

Senketsu: (incoherent sailor uniform noises)

Ryuko: Just calm down... He's not doing anything.

Mob didn't understand who "he" was but he didn't mind and started eating his lunch, so did Mako.

Finally, knowing that Mob isn't showing any sort of hostility, Senketsu slightly calmed down.

Ryuko: You good now?

Senketsu: (still fixing his gaze on Mob) Y-Yeah...I think I'm ok now.


Mob opened his mouth to eat, but when he took a glance at Mako, who was about to eat her mother's food, a needle was stabbed to her forehead. This was enough to shock Mob. But suddenly a barrage of needles stabbed every part of her body except for her eyes, scaring the life out of Mob.

Ryuko: Mako!

Shigeo: Mako!

He wanted to remove the needles from Mako but he too was struck with a barrage of needles, making him fall flat on the floor with Mako.

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