Chapter 6

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<><><><At the Academy: Lunchtime><><><>

Ryuko, Mako, and Mob sat in their usual spot, a huge old rusty chain. Mako and Ryuko opened their packed lunch box revealing the delicious food made by Mako's mom.

Ryuko: That looks good!

Mako: Yeah! What's your food, Mob?

Mob opened his lunch box to reveal that he had fried chicken and egg for his lunch.

Mako: Ohhh! Not bad!

Shigeo: I bought it though. I'm not that good at cooking for myself.

Ryuko: Meh. Food is still food. 

Then they thanked for their meals and started eating. 

???: SHING!

Except for Ryuko. Her food got stabbed by a throwing knife. Oh yeah, Mob too.

Shigeo: M-My chicken...

Ryuko: Huh?

???: Ryuko Matoi! Shigeo Kageyama! Jack Naito, president of the Knife Throwing Club, will take you down!

Ryuko: You've got some nerve, ruining the lunch that Mako's mom made for me!

Then she looks at Mob. He was mourning his stabbed fried chicken.

Ryuko: You don't even got beef with Mob!

Jack: Mob? Who the hell is Mob?

Mob was mildly offended.

Ryuko: Shigeo is Mob!

Jack: Like I care for what he wants to be called! 

Ryuko: You'll pay for that! 

She pulls the red hook from her left wrist and transformed it into her Kamui. 


He threw a barrage of knives at Ryuko, but she easily countered it and sliced his two-star uniform away. Leaving him naked.

Then another two-star tried attacking Ryuko and Mob, the red thread bolting towards the esper, but he was quick to act, erecting a barrier in time. Mako, witnessing the whole scene,  gasped in surprise.

Mako: Whoa! Mob! Is that a (gasp) is that a force field?!

Shigeo: It's a barrier, Mako.


While Mako tried to climb to the top of Mob's barrier, Ryuko easily defeated their assailant, Nanjing Lily Club President Kagesaburo Kagero, by slicing his uniform, defeating him, and leaving him naked as well.

Suddenly, a fat club president, Masuyo Watari, of the Tightrope walking club, introduced herself to Mob and Ryuko but was easily defeated with just a slice from Ryuko's scissor blade. Then she transformed back to her normal uniform.

Ryuko: (sigh) A knife-throwing club, a Nanjing Lily Club, and Tightrope Walkingclub? 

She said as she sat beside Mako. 

Ryuko: What's the deal with all these ultra-specific clubs?

Mako: Oh, those guys used to be the Acrobatics Club. They split up because of you. But I heard that Jack guy say that he's after Mob too. So probably both of you. (pause) Yeah. Both of you.

Shigeo: W-What did I do?

Ryuko: Maybe they found out your abilities?

Shigeo: I didn't show it to anyone else except you guys though. Unless...

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