Chapter 18

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"You're strong. Say, what's your name?" 

From a distance, Ryuko was grinning widely as she shivered under the esper's deathly stare. She scoffed as Mob didn't really reply to her.

"You know what, let's skip the formalities and head straight to the action," she said.

Then she materialized in front of Mob so suddenly that it caught him off-guard. She slashed at him, causing the latter to use both his arms to block the initial attack. The attack itself let out a massive shockwave that even titled the Naked Sol, causing the Esper to stagger. She took advantage of his clumsiness and punched his square in the face, making the latter bolt away at inhuman speeds, crashing at the control room. 

Though Ryuko could easily follow up another attack, she decided to wait because she developed an interest in him. A cloud of smoke was seen covering the control room that allowed the Naked Sol to stay afloat. Gamagoori jumped into the crash site to aid Mob, only to find him standing there, menacingly. He gulped. Albeit an attack like that should have mutilated the victim beyond recognition, however, in this case, it was palpable that the esper's durability was not normal.

"K-Kageyama! Are you alri-"

"I'm fine." Mob said, cutting him off.

Gamagoori shivered at his tone of voice. This really wasn't the Kageyama he knew. He was more...cold, after what had occurred weeks ago. Then in that instant, the esper zoomed at Ryuko, catching her off-guard this time, he shoved his hand at her face, emitting a blue glow as an explosion enveloped her. Ashes prevented the esper from trying to spot Ryuko, but what came out of the cloud of ash, was not Ryuko, but millions of evil spirits.

'She can control the spirits?' he thought as the said evil spirits lunged at him. 

"W-What is that?!" Screamed Mataro.

"WHAAAA IS THAAA?!" screamed Mako.

"Those things aren't the COVERS, right?!" yelled Barazo

"They're not..." Nonon confirmed.

It was obvious. It was the first time they'd seen an evil spirit, a horde of them, rather. The moment they saw one, each terrifying in their own way, it'd be normal for them to tremble from fear. Though that wasn't the case for the Elite Four.

'The spirits are strong enough that even non-espers can see them...' Mob thought.

 But that wouldn't matter, since all those evil spirits were obliterated in an instant before they could even reach him.

"H-He wiped them out in an instant?!" Mako remarked.

"Yeah! That's Mob for you! Go Mob!" cheered Mataro.

Then as the ash cloud dissipated, a figure was seen having the widest grin she has ever developed.

"You're strong! Very strong! If I remember, each of those spirits can disintegrate cities, even mountains! And you killed them as if they were mere ants!" Ryuko praised as she licked her lips. "I think I  like you~"


Both continue to stare at each other—a long beat.

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