Chapter 7

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<><><><The Next day: The Academy><><><>

Mob went to school with his friends as usual, but when they got there, all the students of the Academy were on the school grounds, piquing the interest of the trio.

Mako: Ohhh. I wonder what's going on today! Whatcha guys think? *le gasp* Will we have a school fair! A field trip?! Nooo! I didn't bring dad's wallet if we were going on a field trip!

Shigeo: I don't really know either. I just hope it isn't an exam.

Mako: Aw, come on Mob, don't scare me like that!

Ryuko: Only one way to find out.

Then they squeezed into the crowd, hoping it would get them somewhere.

---Last Night---

Ryuko was ironing Senketsu in her separate room in Mako's place, while the rest of the family was sleeping.

Senketsu: Oh yeah~ That part. (gets ironed) Mhm, that's the stuff. (gets ironed) Yup. Hits the spot. Aaah~

[Don't get any ideas]

Ryuko: All right, all done. Imma head to bed.

She hung Senketsu by her closet and went to bed and closed her eyes... but something kept her up. She had something in mind she wanted to ask Senketsu. Recently, the sailor uniform didn't act up as much as he used to the first time they met Mob. So, she was curious. How was he doing with Mob now?

Ryuko: Senketsu?

Senketsu: Hm?

Ryuko: How do you feel about Mob now?

Senketsu: Terrified.

He said instantly.

Ryuko: I'm being serious.

Senketsu: I am... still terrified, but I am starting to see him in a new light.

Ryuko: Oh, that's cool.


Senketsu: Now you, Ryuko.

Ryuko: Huh?

Senketsu: Recently, your heart rate increases and your blood gets hotter whenever you get closer to Mob.

This made Ryuko pink in the face.

Ryuko: I-I, w-what?! I have-- No I'm not! --It's not like... Well... 

Senketsu: You're stuttering. You're proving me right, here.

She put her blanket over herself to cover up, still being flustered.

Ryuko: S-Shut up and go to sleep. (murmur) I should have never asked you.

Then she closed her eyes in an attempt to sleep. She relaxed in her futon as a comfortable silence filled the air. Sadly, it was interrupted by Senketsu.

Senketsu: Ryuko...

Ryuko: What.

Senketsu: You do know that Mob held back on Mako?

Ryuko: What...What do you mean?

Senketsu: I felt him... I felt him on edge, he was about to burst right then and there. But he held back. He held back because he didn't want to hurt his friends. You and Mako mean a lot to him, especially you Ryuko.

Ryuko: ...

Senketsu: He's a pacifist. His morality counters his will to fight. He will attack when those he loves and cares for are in danger.

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