Chapter 12

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<><><><The next day: Morning><><><>

Ryuko suddenly jolted up from a nightmare, she shoved away from the blanket that covered her and reached out to...nothing in particular.


Mikisugi: Good grief. How many times am I going to have to tend to you after you've passed out?

Ryuko: eh?!

She looks to her left, and to her surprise, Mikisugi was there, leaning on an open window with the morning light shining behind him. He smiled at her.

Mikisugi: How about changing careers and becoming a Nudist like me?

He was cut off when Ryuko pointed her scissor blade at the man that was inches before his face.

Ryuko: Spout off your lame jokes, and I'm gonna kill you.

Mikisugi: Ah, sorry, sorry. So, who took you out?

Then Ryuko explained who took her out, which was Nui Harime. But soon after, she heard Senketsu's voice. She thinks that Mikisugi was messing with her and threatens to kill him. But the teacher in disguise ends up showing the eye of Senketsu that was still in place. She eagerly grabs the piece of clothing and is relieved that he's alright. Then Mikisugi explained how he found her on a rooftop with a blanket on her, what he found noticeably was that she was clutching on something, which was revealed to be Senketsu.

Senketsu: Ryuko, my shredded body has been divvied up amongst the School Raid Trip students.

Ryuko: So the rest of you is in Kansai, huh?

Senketsu: Exactly. It was Satsuki Kiryuin's doing.

Ryuko: Damn that Satsuki, always screwing with me...

Mikisugi: Wait, Ryuko, before you do anything. Do you recall the events after your rampage? 

Ryuko: ...No? What does it matter, it's not important.

She was about to leave when--

Mikisugi: It's about Kageyama.

Ryuko: ...What does it have to do with him?

Mikisugi: (sigh) If you've seen the news or asked your Kamui, I'm sure you would find valuable information.

Ryuko frowned at this remark.

Ryuko: What do you mean?

Mikisugi: Ask your Kamui--

Ryuko suddenly pointed her blade right at him again.

Ryuko: Just get to the damn point already.

Mikisugi uses his finger to push away the blade away from his face.

Mikisugi: Jeez, jeez, alright. Look here.

The teacher in disguise gestures at the TV. Ryuko lowers her blade, allowing Mikisugi to turn on the TV, and in it, it shows recorded footage of a rampage that occurred not so long ago.

Mikisugi: After you watch this, you might view Kageyama differently.

Ryuko ignored the comment. Why would she think of Mob differently? Anyway, she made a grunt while she still covered herself with a blanket as she watched. The TV showed blood spewing everywhere and blood spraying all over the school grounds, some even sprayed on the camera. Ryuko cringed at the sight. After a while, she saw chunks of land being lifted and thrown at her berserk form. 

Ryuko: I-Is that Mob?

Mikisugi: Indeed it is. 

The footage shows Mob throwing pieces of rubble and debris at the berserk Ryuko. They did hit her, but it had little to no effect at all. The berserk Ryuko bolted straight toward Mob. The Esper made a barrier but was easily shattered by Ryuko. Then the berserk teenager proceeded to beat the living HELL out of Mob. She threw him around, smashed him on the walls, and dragged his head along the ground head first. 

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