chapter 1

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The river or lake is kinda looks like this but with more stones

I woke up from a deep sleep by my phone going off, I picked it up, I saw that it was 12:53 am on Wednesday and my bestie just texted me on Snapchat said:

Sophie: hello!? Are you up?

Me: Hey, I'm up now

Sophie: How are you?

Me: I'm a bit sleepy but good and you? And what's up?

While waiting for her reply, I sat up in my bed rubbed some sleep out of my eyes and had a little bit of 7up the drink from my big cup, I checked all of the apps that I use a lot like Facebook, Discord and TikTok, I quickly removed all of the notifications what added up over the night but I left some YouTube videos what I want to watch later, I got out of bed and started to walk to the bathroom. When I got there, it wasn't that long because my bedroom is right next to it, and I saw that Sophie texted me back and it was:

Sophie: LOL and do you want to go on a walk with me? But without Khali if you want to.

Me: LOL, yeah I want to go with you, I just need to get changed quickly so I will be at yours soon.

Sophie: OK

I turned my phone off and I quickly finished using the bathroom and I walked back to my room. I took my jammies (aka pyjamas) off and I put my light blue jumping pants on and my Nike t-shirt on, I put my black hooded coat on and went downstairs and I heard my parrot flying down from his cage and I said to him happily "oh! Hello sexy boy, how are you today, blue boy?" (:(( I miss that boy every day and I will never forget him) I saw that he nodded his head quickly and he purred. I smiled at that and quickly put my riding socks and shoes on and then I checked the backgarden to see how my rabbits and Guinea pigs and they are good (I have 6 rabbits and 5 Guineapigs but I had 8 rabbits and 2 guinea pigs right back then... but i had 10 guinea pig once and 2 or 3 rabbits... hmm... i have 7 rabbits and 8 guinea pigs now) and I walked to the mirror which is on the wall and I brushed my hair up into a high ponytail and tied it up. I walked to the front door unlocked it and opened it before I walked out of it, I said to my mother loud enough to hear me from upstairs "I'm GOING OUT WITH SOPHIE, MA!" And I heard from upstairs "OK be back before horse riding" I said to her while walking out "OK!" And I closed the door behind me and I started to walk to Sophie's. When I got to her's, I texted her while leaning against her gate post:

Me: I'm at yours, now.

Sophie: OK, I will be out in 5 minutes, I just need to put my shoes on.

Me: OK.

I turned my phone off and put it back in my coat pocket. 5 minutes later, Sophie walked out of her house and I said to her "Hey, I have to be back for riding learn at 5" I straightened up again and she said to me while walking to our normal place "Hey, same! But I have to be back at 5, and I am a young woman now" and I said to her while walking with her "its will still be light". While we walking to where we always walk to, we talked and laughed about different things (the real Sophie knows what I mean and what we talk about too ;D), I and Sophie known each other for years now I knew her as a baby and she knew me at age 4(i think that's right but I don't know though), I think and I am 20 and she is 16 now, I feel elder because I feel pain from someplace is normal for me to feel pain but anyway I and Sophie started to hang out together at 2021 in winter and it's almost summer now and our bond is sooo strong and I will fight for her if I can but I don't know about her because I never asked her but I am OK if she doesn't fight for me though because I am a big woman but Im not fat I'm just chunky and still losing weight everyday and she is thinner than me and more picker eater than me.

When we got to the lake, it was a pretty and calm place, I always liked that place but it hurts my feet every time but it is worth it. When we got near to the water, I took my coat off and put my phone in my riding pants pocket and I put my coat on the big and small stones. Sophie checked the water if it was too cold or not and she said to me "Oh! It is not that cold." And I walked to the water and I put my hand in the water and I said to her "Oh! It isn't and I want to go over there too" There's a land of stones and it looks pretty dry to sit on. I and Sophie decided to go over there so Sophie took her coat off too and sat on it to take her shoes and socks off I quickly took my shoes and socks off while standing up and I put my socks in my shoes and did the same but she was the first to do that but sitting down and we started to pull our pants legs up they are tight and I said: "we will lose blood goes to our legs, hehe".

When I did my pants legs first, I waited for Sophie to do it too and she left her phone in her coat pocket she walked next to me and we started to walk over to the land of stones "It's cold hold my hand" Sophie said to me and I quickly held on to her hand and I keep hearing from me and Sophie "oh!" "Hash" and different things while walking through the water. When we got to the land, Sophie said to me "Eh, finally we're here! The Water was so cold hehe" and I said to her while walking to the dry side of the land "yea it was and I haven't got used to walking on small stones too it hurt but I am OK with it though" and Sophie said to me "oh no, I need a piss now (sorry not sorry)" and I said to her while trying walking "ok, don't fall then ahaha" "aha! Don't make me piss myself ahaha" Sophie said to me then she nearly fell while walking to the trees to piss and she walked away while waiting for her, I quickly looked at my right hand and I saw that my pinky was gone and I did a double take. When I looked at my hand again, my pinky was back and I said to myself "Oh and now I'm seeing things" and I sat down on the stones to wait for Sophie to come back.

10 minutes later, Sophie came back and we started to talk about different things like college, horses, people, the Hobbit the movie our other friends and who would we Date or not and we laughed while talking about it too. I looked at my hand while listening to Sophie and I saw that my hand was gone this time I asked Sophie calmly "Hey Sophie? Is it me or something but is my hand gone for you or not?" I looked at Sophie and she was see-through, I was wide-eyed and I heard her saying to me "OH MY GOD Lucy! You are see-through!" And I quickly stood up and I said before disappearing "What the fuc–" and we disappeared.
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